For getting to know more intimately the juxtaposition of many seemingly contradictory energies, themes, desires, and needs, all with the end goal of Union, Unity, Freedom and Justice for all Beings; for marrying the unmarriable, integrating that which seems impossible, and finding the balance point between that allows for the One Truth, One Mind, and One Heart to operate as one more fully on Earth (which requires many truths to be recognized and honored while simultaneously living our own!).

My Nomadism and Path to Rewilding Journey
I recently returned from a week and a half of camping in the mountains of Arizona - a period that has been profoundly life-changing for me for many reasons. After having left behind a life of Western “stability,” amenities, and “conveniences” is multifold, even being a skittish, retreating Cancer Moon creature-comforts homebody living out her Sag wildness, I can tell you this: I have discovered that I value the wild earth beneath my peacefully sleeping body snug and warm in my (obviously) drafty but cozy tent, the wind rushing around me at all times; the at-times unbelievably hot sun, the pattering of rain, right down to little bugs drawn to my lanterns at night outside – along with the occasional nighttime critter visitor hungry for food and adrenaline rush of unknown sounds in the middle of the night that used to leave even me feeling vulnerable and full of dread – and even inside my tiny living spaces, more than any Western conveniences could ever give me.

If we’re feeling the call to revolutionize our lives in the direction of more authenticity, freedom of self-expression, living, and BEING – maybe even shunning ideas around “hustle culture,” money, status, and the like – how can we move into greater alignment with our essence while having our needs met in daily life?
We are called to be exactly as we are as we continue to grow, learn, and find new ways to support each other that uphold our authenticity and create social structures within which everyone can thrive (I would argue that this authenticity is the crux of our growth, and do believe that we are continually presented with opportunities to shed that which has never really been “us”).
No one person can ever be as another entirely, nor do we need to be. As Rick Levine said so wonderfully and clearly about the Aquarius archetype, it’s “Together but not the same.” Or, to quote the great Hunkpapa Sioux chief and holy man Sitting Bull, "It is not necessary for eagles to be crows."

I am giving way to forces that have been knocking on the door of my consciousness for years now. It is time. Are you feeling the call to action (and ironically, perhaps towards letting go of the illusion of a different sort of control to achieve your goals) in ways that feel foreign, supercharged, or just plain confusing? Trust that more clarity will come as the days go on, and especially after Mercury goes direct at 16 degrees Gemini on June 22.
How are you experiencing these powerful energies as we make our way through the last of this summer's eclipse season energies? Many blessings to you, Dear Ones - may grace, ease, and joy in the unfolding of the path ahead be yours!
If you feel called to receive more support and guidance through one-on-one healing modalities to experience greater healing, peace, clarity, and joy via holistic and spiritual modalities - energetic healing, intuitive/psychic issue clearing, astrological consultations, card readings, and more - it's an honor and a joy to hold space for personal healing in this way.
Please email [email protected] or call (906) 399-6326 to schedule.