For those new to the story, Bilbo Baggins, an unassuming hobbit (quirky halflings) leading a “normal” life in Bag End, was fatefully drawn into the maelstrom of the unfolding story of The One Ring by the wizard Gandalf The Grey as he’s caught up in a quest to reclaim the Dwarf kingdom in The Lonely Mountain containing jewels and treasures of old, from Smaug, a fierce and cunning dragon whose arrival brought terror and destruction.
It’s a tale of sweeping proportions that lays the groundwork for the Lord Of The Rings saga, within which Bilbo is called on a quest that challenges his paradigms and sets into motion events that cannot be undone, for better and for worse, and ultimately for the good of all.
Add this to the JUPITER-NEPTUNE square that’s exact for the second of three times today between Sagittarius and Pisces, and the SATURN-NEPTUNE sextile that’s exact on Tuesday, and we have a potent potion brew of life-altering potential, incredible change, and bittersweet unfoldings that help us lay the foundations of whole new lives as events accelerate.
The full moon, which occurs at 25° Sagittarius at 4:30 AM EDT, is conjunct THE GALACTIC CENTER – the rotational center of our galaxy that includes a supermassive black hole and complex radio (X-ray) source within Sagittarius A, giving off a trillion times more energy than our own Sun. The Galactic Center radiates energies of profound wisdom and truth, holding ascension keys that can help set us free and go deeper into manifesting Heaven on Earth - a world more filled with personal integrity, intuitive knowing, "big picture" vision, and greater love and compassion for all beings.
This full moon also brings us across the threshold into eclipse energies, as this summer’s two eclipses approach in July—a solar eclipse at 10° Cancer on July 2, and a partial lunar eclipse at 24° Capricorn on July 16.
Those with personal planets or points within five degrees of 25° Sagittarius might experience life-altering events, revelations, or culmination and release with this full moon, with powerful effects also manifesting for those with planets near 25° of the mutable signs of Gemini, Pisces, and Virgo.
The Sagittarius Archetype

A mutable fire sign, Sagittarius is the sign of wisdom, philosophy, adventure, exploration, and epic journeys. It seeks to expand horizons, searching for the big-picture connecting pieces that help us make sense of the larger purpose of events and our own existence. It’s “go big or go home” when Sagittarius energy dominates, drawing us out of our comfort zones and into The Great Unknown for thrills and edification. It can also be the epitome of The Fool’s Journey, as we Saggies (yes, I speak for myself!) are notorious for “leaping before we look,” rushing headlong into adventures that leave us careening off the cliffside with not much to cushion the landing that awaits at the bottom.
- An adventurous spirit
- Trust, faith, and hope that all is unfolding as it should
- Faith in ourselves and our ability to make the right choice as moments unfold, whether others think it foolish or wise
- Fiery confidence and courage
- An eye toward unlocking truth and wisdom without getting too serious and letting self-doubt block us from the adventures that await
- A willingness to leap if called, even if the path ahead is unclear
- A willingness to speak our heart’s truths with confidence, to let our guard down to those with whom it’s appropriate; to be vulnerable in healthy ways to gain greater intimacy and whole-self healing
- To unapologetically stand in our truth, but be open to broader points of view (in the end, always trust your gut)
- Self-love and compassion, as no one has the map and that no one else really knows what’s going on, either (to embrace The Great Mystery and The Cosmic Joke of it all!) ;)
Bilbo Baggins and the Fool/Hero's Journey
If you feel called to make a leap of faith this week, bear in mind that the Soul and Higher Self may be guiding you to move into a situation that is for your highest good, whether the ending is as you had hoped for or not. For it is often in the journey that the greatest riches and lessons can be received.
Trust that any disappointments stemming from big moves made this week are sure to bring long-term growth, and perhaps ultimately paving the way for even greater realization of our dreams and desires that are more aligned with our highest good. Look for greater shifts and changes coming to life between late September and late November, when the final Jupiter-Neptune/Saturn-Neptune aspects occur, and when Neptune stations direct.
A Bittersweet Path

This card speaks of once-in-a-lifetime chances to make powerful changes, but also alerts us to the fact that events we set into motion will likely have far-reaching consequences.
As the Jupiter-Neptune and Saturn-Neptune alignments become exact, the Summer Solstice energy builds to a climax, and MARS reaches an exact opposition to PLUTO on the 19th, the call to action in parts of life that may stir feelings of vulnerability—but with great heart-rewards and the breaking down of walls that are ready to crumble—become inevitable. Visceral, primal forces are at work here—heightened sexual energies, intoxicating desires, the need to stand up for one’s boundaries, the need to stare down great fears and call on our own Dragon and Fire energy to accomplish what’s before us.
As we plunge into whatever awaits us this full moon week, may we howl at the sky with the strength of the ancestors and Mother Earth pulsing through our veins; may we be the Dragonfire and Holy Flame let loose across the sky; may we boldly and sweetly sing the song of stars yet unknown on the wind, sparkling out into a new courageous dawn that will surely become the stuff of legends.
May we leap, soar, do, be, and breathe, embody childlike joy and curiosity, and trust that the highest good will be done if we follow our Heartsong to what is calling from the wilds beyond..
Jennifer Elen Bríd
**Do you feel called to explore deeper life themes and personal potential, or to experience greater whole-self healing and integration, at this full moon time? I offer one-on-one sessions with clients locally in the Keweenaw, and via distance, to help you step more fully into your greatest potential with energetic healing sessions, intuitive counseling sessions, astrology consultations, personal ceremonial rites of passage, and more. Please email [email protected] or call (906) 399-6326 for inquiries, or to schedule your session.**
(Jennifer Howell)
Wayshower, Healer, Intuitive, Ceremonialist, and Musician on the Druid Path
[email protected] ~ (906) 399-6326
On Facebook @ Jennifer Elen Bríd