This is the perfect time to use the current Mercury Retrograde cycle - a cycle that so many of us often dread - as a time for reassessment, review, and revision of our beliefs and perceptions. We have a powerful chance to search our feelings and shed outworn ideas or fears that keep us from exploring new paths and living out our dreams.
Sagittarius is all about adventure, spontaneity, growth, and is ultimately driven to uncover deep truths and to discover the meaning of life. The stereotypical Sagittarian cannot stand to be tied down, for these people must have room to explore and come to their own conclusions about existence and what it all means. With the full moon in this restless sign, we'll be feeling the need to philosophize, to express our beliefs and feelings honestly (if not bluntly!), and to break free from anything that's not in alignment with our personal goals for growth and expansion.
The Sun sits at the exact midpoint between Mercury Rx and Mars in Gemini for this full moon, igniting our need to rethink, revisit, discuss, and ultimately, to act when the time is right. Gemini is a sign that revels in smaller bits of knowledge, specifics, and trivia, and as such, we're going to be sorting through much in the way of polarized thoughts, concepts, and beliefs. This inner work can lead to epiphanies and the release of repressed personal truths and feelings. We might find that new pieces of knowledge, or people, situations, or themes from the past emerge to help inform or change our pre-existing views. We'll be integrating old and new information in ways that can propel us on our life journeys if we are willing to change and adapt our perceptions in a way that's beneficial to us.
The opportunity to pull our noses from an endless flow of data and look at life from a much broader perspective is also available for those who choose to take advantage of it now! Finding a way to integrate bits of information into a larger context - that is key to working with the current astrological influences successfully.
A critical dimension of this full moon is an exact quincunx between Mars and Pluto. This aspect brings about change that leads to a necessary adjustment, whether it is an adjustment we welcome into our lives or not. This particular connection shows the need for adjustment in how we are handle our fears, or how we choose to act in situations that impact our freedom and empowerment in all parts of life. Along with the influence of adventurous full moon ruler Jupiter in Leo, the main message of the Mars-Pluto connection's seems clear: Feel the fear and do it anyway! Be bold, and the Universe will conspire to help you shape the landscape of your life in ways you've only dreamed of now.
The Mars-Pluto connection can also highlight the importance of how we use the power of knowledge, words, thoughts, and communication in general. We can use this as an opportunity to review the ways in which beliefs and words shape every part of our lives. Are we willing to use new information that's emerging to construct a life that honors who we really are, regardless of what others think? Are our current perceptions of the world or life circumstances holding us back from exploring new terrain and embracing incredible beginnings? If you're feeling held back at present - especially if you're in a long-term situation that is not beneficial to you - it's time to rise above any tendencies to over-analyze or talk yourself out of taking necessary and liberating leaps of faith. This is the time to cultivate the inner courage required to live and dream big!
Timing Is Everything: A Word On Mercury Rx And Neptune
Though this is most certainly a time to cut unhealthy ties and to embrace deep dreams and freedom, it may not be such an ideal time to set plans fully into motion just yet. Mercury remains in retrograde until June 11, and new projects that begin under this influence tend to take on the energies of confusion and may need to undergo continuous revision.
**As a general statement (if it's possible), hold off until after Mercury goes direct in the evening hours of June 11. It may be even better yet to plant those "new seeds" on or after June 17 - the day after the next new moon - so they are aligned with the very powerful "planting cycle" of the cosmos.**
In addition to Mercury Retrograde and Mars' opposition to this full moon, the sun and moon are both squaring off with potentially deceptive Neptune. We could find ourselves getting caught up in grandiose fantasies or seeking an escape from everyday life in the form of substances or in "zoning out" via addictive behaviors through midweek. But if we choose to channel this spiritual connection in the most beneficial ways, we can strike a balance between tapping our creativity and using love, intuition, and higher guidance to inform our choices. Saturn in Sagittarius will also help offset these energies, bringing in a foundation of pragmatism and common sense as we move forward.
Are issues of personal truth or freedom coming up for you now? Do you feel stagnant or held back due to fears, old thought-tapes on repeat, or beliefs or ideals in the collective or as perpetuated by friends, family, or the community that aren't a match your life path? If so, it's time to be honest with yourself first and foremost; to be direct and bold; and most importantly, to honor your personal need for freedom so you can live your heart's desires! It's time to set yourself free, and the Full Moon in Sagittarius is shining a light on the path so you can do just that.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2015. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this site and writer with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.