Venus, the sparkling gem of the Heavens who gifts us with the ability to channel peace, balance, and grace, is also the planet of partnership. As Steven Forrest says, she's the planet that shows us how we can achieve inner balance through our relationship with elements outside of ourself: the harmony that comes from creating or enjoying beautiful music, artwork, or other aesthetic pleasures. Of course, we also find peace and a sense of fulfillment through forming lasting relationships with those who match our key needs and provide counterbalance to our dominant traits. Mars, on the other hand, isn't concerned with creating balance: Mars wants what it wants and if left to its own devices, will do anything to get it. It's the planet of the will, of self-assertion and drive, and unbridled animal passion.
When Venus and Mars meet up in the cosmos, there's unmistakable chemistry in the air. Synergy simmers naturally here; passions run high, and relationships of every kind take on a more adventurous and dramatic air. We'll have more of an impulse to say what we're thinking, to act decisively on our feelings, and to take courageous action where partnerships and finances are concerned. This is a super-charged time for romance and social interactions, for flirting, playing, and boldly pursuing that which brings us pleasure. The impulse to create will be strong, whether it's through physical procreation or the creation of things which fan our inner flames and fill us with the wild joys of being alive!
With all the fun and excitement this aspect will bring, impulsivity will be high for the next month or so, and we might find that contentious situations develop around partnerships or money. Competition and jealousy in relationships could become an issue for some, but we'll be in a much stronger position to assert ourselves and claim what we are rightly entitled to in terms of values on all levels. Thinking before taking action and maybe sleeping on important decisions for a night or two can do much to offset making some potentially hasty decisions (remember, Mars doesn't do patience on its own accord!).
It's also worth remembering that at the core, Mars shows us where we are learning to be courageous and stand our ground. Those themes as they apply to partnerships, money, and values in general will be fertile grounds for life lessons in the coming weeks. Is there a conversation you need to have with a friend or partner that you've been avoiding out of fear? Is there a need for you to stand your ground with finances or personal values? With Mercury still within range of a sextile to Saturn, we have a heightened ability to communicate what we're thinking with clarity and authority through early next week.
Over to you! Are you feeling the "get up and go"-power of Mars in Aries? How do you plan to use the Venus-Mars energies in a way that brings you more fully into alignment with the juiciness and passionate experience of life that is your Divine birthright?