Today's eclipse occurs at 14 degrees of Libra, the sign of relationships, harmony, and diplomacy. Grace, artistry, and compromise are all hallmark traits of those who have strong Libran energy or a prominent placement of Venus in the birth chart. Since today's eclipse is a full moon eclipse, the focus is on relationship already, and Luna's passage through Libra amplifies that focus.
Think of full moon eclipses as exceptionally powerful full moons. The veil between worlds grows thinner and the Universe works to catch us up to speed on our life paths. Eclipses will often toss us on or off the current path for our Highest Good if we don't heed our inner knowing, and situations not aligned with our callings may dissolve in the weeks following an eclipse.
The Earth stands between the Sun and Moon during full moon eclipses, creating a temporary "block" in the solar-lunar relationship. This alignment provides us with incredible opportunities to be objective and honest about anything that holds us back in our relationships and how we choose to express ourselves within that framework. Whether we're addressing 1-1 relationships or our role in society, issues centering on how we express our authenticity in relation to "other" will be the focus.
Aries, the sign that opposes harmony-loving Libra, is bringing some serious cosmic fire to this eclipse. The transit of the South Node through this warrior territory is doing especially powerful karmic clearing work, considering that Mercury, the Sun, and erratic Uranus surround it. The South Node in Aries impels us to release angry, impulsive reactions and move in the direction of inner harmony. If you've been finding yourself giving in to less than level-headed impulses that compromise your equilibrium, consider it your signal - and a Divine opportunity - to realign with peace.
Today's eclipse is calling us to find a way to blaze brave new paths for ourselves that create harmony within, to shed impulses that lead to chaos and the perpetuation of an "us vs. them" mentality. It won't come without its struggles, since Pluto, the planet of destiny, deep empowerment, and the things we repress due to their overwhelming power squares off with the Sun and Moon. This aspect creates incredible tension as those buried feelings and potential power struggles come to a head. Many of us have come up against situations that have made us feel powerless since Saturn turned retrograde on March 14. Pluto's slowdown takes it deeper, bringing us down to the roots of old beliefs, fears, or compulsions that hold us back, as well as stripping away that which has always been illusionary. Pluto also represents how we express and channel our sexual desires and a sense of primal power. If we let any "brick walls" and emerging impulses act as teachers, we can get honest about where we need to take back our power and embrace feelings we need to honor or release. When we delve deeply into ourselves and accept or transmute what we find at our core, we can get on with the business of living from the unshakable spiritual power center that is our birthright.
This also brings forward another interesting dichotomy, since Libra is about societal norms and conformity. Pluto and the current Arian energy revved up by individualistic Uranus calls us to challenge those norms within and without. Some will be soul-searching to uncover just what taboos might exist in their mind and be afforded with opportunities to see whether they hold up in the light of truth or not. A prime example of this is the current focus on same-sex relationships due to the passage and ongoing debate over Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act. It shows the complexity of issues our current astrology is imploring us to address: What are our personal beliefs? How do we stand up for those beliefs? How can we honor our beliefs while respecting the rights of others to walk their path free of harassment and shaming? Are we willing to live and let live, knowing that when we do, we could be one step closer to ensuring peace and harmony for all people? We will see the best and worst in power struggles relating to these issues in politics and in our personal lives as this eclipse works to move us into a future of genuine equality.
With eclipse ruler Venus in her natural domain of Taurus, she highlights the core need to honor our bodies and connect with the wisdom of Mother Earth. As Emily Trinkhaus wrote in her recent TMA article Venus, Mary Magdalene, And The Re-Emerging Sacred Feminine, the key to Venusian empowerment is in rooting into our physical, sensual selves without shame and in allowing spirit to flow through (which links us back to Pluto...!). We might also feel called to root into what we value, and to cultivate greater financial and material stability. Mars, also in Taurus and at the Sun/Venus midpoint, suggests that the key to working with current challenges and empowerment issues is through slow and steady action. If we choose to stay the course without compromise and embrace the knowing that honoring our authenticity leads to healing, peace and progress will be ours.
It's also important to mention that this eclipse is connected to events from April 4th of 1996, when an eclipse occurred in the same sign and at the same degree. Can you link realizations and experiences your "now" to what was transpiring then for a greater sense of connection and meaning?
To find where this eclipse is calling you to move more fully into your authenticity and to cultivate harmony, find the house that contains 14 degrees of Libra. This house, the house that opposes it, and the house that contains Pluto at 15 degrees Capricorn are areas in which you are called to embrace individuality, balance, and inner power as the Uranus-Pluto square breaks up old ground to propel you forward into destiny.
Do you want to understand yourself and your current circumstances in profound new ways? I offer 1-1 consultations that provide key insights into your life path and how the planets are working to enact incredible change in your life now! Email me at [email protected] to learn more.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2015. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this site and writer with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.