This point of new beginnings was a tough one--squaring the nodes and NEPTUNE, with a conjuntion to the partnership asteroid JUNO and other hard aspects involved. Feeling pulled in a few directions at once and not quite sure of where to turn next? It's in the air--or being triggered within us, rather--and this marks a pivotal moment for us all in some way.
We've arrived at a crossroads, a major jumping off point, whether we feel ready or not. In my mind, there were two main factors dominating this new moon: relationships, and what direction to turn next in order to walk the most promising path with the greatest potential for healing.
JUNO's Short-Term Role, and JUPITER IN LIBRA: Challenges & Expansion in the 1-1
Juno and Jupiter both play major roles this week: Juno as the asteroid joined with the Sun and Moon at this lunation, and Jupiter in relationship-oriented LIBRA ruling the new moon itself. Demetra George writes that JUNO is associated with redefining partnerships to meet our evolving needs societally and individually: think life partners sans wedding vows, gay marriage, and so on. And Jupiter in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn through 2017 is bringing great growth opportunities in relationships. We're already seeing scenarios unfolding in which we'll find ourselves sorting through depeer issues that get in the way of experiencing fulfillment with right others.
VENUS was also squaring URANUS at the new moon: radical shakeups in romance and friendships, not to mention revolutionary new chances to make a break by jumping into something new (and probably unexpected).
SAGITTARIUS New Moons call us toward attaining a new kind of freedom, expansion, and positivity; toward whatever possibilities lie just over the horizon; to embracing a new kind of self-confidence and belief that when we take aim at the things we desire, we can achieve greater things that we could ever have imagined. But this week hasn't been all roses and cheer--we've had to walk fine lines between far-flung fantasies and longings, and what the most rational next steps are to take, all the while holding fast to the flames of inspiration that burn within. Blending the best of all worlds re: compassion rather than martyrdom, action over unproductive wishing, and dreaming and aiming big.
ALCHEMY is a powerful word for the week: our innate ability to work the magic of transforming ourselves from the inside out, the transformation that is born of our conscious connection to the Divine Flame of Creation always burning within us. Connecting with Merlin energies, or the Fire Elementals (Dragons and Salamanders) through meditation or candle magic can yield powerful results.
CHIRON STATION DIRECT: Let the Healing Begin
Chiron stationing direct in PISCES today intensifies the innate feeling of pull and juxtaposition, bringing that which is most in need of healing now to our conscious awareness. Unsurprisingly, much of the feelings of loss, grief, or sadness we're likely to experience now could center on relationships with the current astrological climate as it is. I've found myself feeling drawn to soul family members who I haven't spoken to in years, experiencing a kind of psychic hypersensitivity to the feelings of those around me (and afar). Joining with our "tribe," whoever those people might be, could be rewarding or painful now...or an odd mix of both. This station is about acknowledging what feels the most broken within us rather than burying it or remaining complacent with current suffering; of letting go of the things we cannot control; of moving forward with healing on all levels of the self.
No matter what emerges now, rest assured that profound healing experiences are possible if we're willing to move out of our comfort zone and onto the path that feels even oh-so-slightly better in each moment.
Forming partnerships with those who can assist you in this sacred work is greatly supported now, perhaps even heralding a new beginning in a 2.5-year cycle related to the Sagittarius New Moon. Who can hold space for you in gentleness and love as you sort through the parts of yourself that feel the most unloved or unworthy? How can you reach out to help others scale new heights and embrace new truths that bring liberation through big-picture awareness? Is there physical healing to be done that requires you to seek help from a professional? Healing from addictions, any kind of dependency, or leaving escapist tendencies behind in favor of pragmatic action and a newly rekindled sense of optimism are also supported.
Treat yourself with tenderness and care, simply being present with what hurts the most. Sit with confusion--allow yourself to explore the way forward that might serve you best. And when you're ready, form (or heal) the alliances that will be of greatest benefit as you make even the smallest steps toward a more fulfilling life.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2016. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.