Taurus is a sign known for its deep peace, stability, practicality, and patience. In simplest terms, this new moon is about getting back to basics and honoring our needs for tranquility and self-love. This applies to the truest essence of what we value and hold dear and in honoring our bodies' needs.
But the real magic of this new moon - and the underlying sense of frustration it brings - lies in the current alignments of Venus, the Goddess of Love and ruling planet of Taurus.
Venus finds herself in a position that breeds dichotomy in the gestation of our heart's longings now. On one hand, she forms a harmonious trine to dreamy Neptune in Pisces, enhancing our desire to drift away in dreams and get lost exploring the yearnings of our soul. Intuition is likely to flow more easily as this aspect opens our spiritual senses to possibilities just beyond our reach. The beauty of this connection is that it can show us what is possible if we are willing to see our desires through to fruition, and opens our perceptions to the love and beauty within and around us in profound ways.
On the other hand, Venus is semi-square to both the Sun and Moon in Taurus, making her sweet trine to Neptune bittersweet at best. Bernadette Brady outlines the essence of this aspect in her book The Eagle And The Lark:
"The semi-square seems to have one purpose in life, and that is to teach patience and persistence...This aspect is like waiting for silt to settle in a pond. If you take action and try to pat it down, it gets worse; walk away, give it time, show patience and the pond will clear. Blocks, holdups, frustration, delays, and lack of achievement are all symptoms of this aspect. Controlled patience seems to be the only answer..."
As is shown by the semi-square, this new moon brings not only clears the way for intense dreaming and the possibility of getting lost in fantasy, but brings a marked feeling of stagnation in the fulfillment of desires. Venus plays a key role in highlighting the importance of simultaneously honoring our highest visions and in embracing patience so we can allow those dreams to manifest.
The cosmos isn't encouraging of that which simply leads to short-term gratification now. A Taurean approach to achieving that which we desire is ideal, and that approach will require patience and commitment from us: a commitment to patiently tend to dreams whose fruition can bring long-term peace, joy, and stability.
Venus is also out of bounds in Cancer throughout the month of May, amplifying the traits of her transit through this sign such as nurturance, home-making, the expression gentle love and affection, and protection/overprotection. Her extreme declination could result in unusual boundary-crashing or unusual social behavior of any kind. There is also a collective tendency toward expressing our personal values very differently, and of possible re-evaluation of those values and our perceptions in general with Mercury about to station retrograde on Monday night (5/18 - 6/11/2015).
Manifesting At The New Moon In Taurus
To make the most of the new moon energies, make time to explore your heart's desires in private, or with the company of close friends in the style of a sacred ceremony if you wish. This can be as simple as spending time in nature or in creating a small altar that brings forward the energies of what you wish to create. Candles, crystals and gemstones, beautiful cloths, or any objects that assist you in focusing on your desires are a beautiful addition. New and full moons are especially fitting times for clearing energies within the mind, body, and spirit, since these clearings create a space for new beginnings to emerge in our lives. A sea salt or baking soda bath with essential oils or herbs can do wonders for washing away stagnant energies and give our bodies a respite from the stress of daily life.
Contemplating the following questions can assist you in connecting with your true wants and needs, and in committing to action that brings you closer to that which you desire:
- Am I feeling called to take time out of a busy schedule and just be? Is my body, mind, or spirit calling for more peace, gentleness, or nurturance? How can I gift myself with what I need to experience more peace and harmony now?
- How closely do I listen to signals from my body? Am I consciously connected to what my body is calling for in each moment? Would I benefit from a massage, spending mindful time in nature, or honor my sensual self by indulging in a healthful and decadent food treat?
- Are there powerful dreams and yearnings that are calling to me now? Am I willing to follow these desires in meditation, journaling, or in any artistic pursuit to allow Divine Wisdom and guidance to emerge from within?
- Am I experiencing a sense of stagnation or frustration in the realization of my dreams? Am I willing to walk with my unfulfilled desires in the realization that time brings forward answers, peace, and the fulfillment of all desires that are truly aligned with my Highest Good?
- Am I willing to *~let go~* and trust the process of Divine Timing to bring my desires to fruition in the perfect way and at the perfect time?
To find where the Taurus New Moon is impacting you most directly, locate the house in your birth chart that contains 26 degrees of Taurus. This house, and the house directly opposite from it, will be the areas of life in which the seeds for new beginnings can be planted at this time.
**Want to find out how this new moon and the current planetary cycles are impacting you personally? I offer a variety of 1-1 astrology consultations to help you unlock your greatest potential and move more fully in the direction of your dreams! Email [email protected] to schedule, or for more information.**
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2015. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this site and writer with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.