Many people might experience endings or powerful new beginnings in one-on-one relationships, but that's only part of this eclipse's potential. It's also a time to assess your current relationship with balance and harmony in all its forms, whether it's related to a job, daily routines, or anything else that has you feeling off-kilter. Make no mistake - this harmony may not come easily at first. There's an Aries storm of Sun/Mercury opposing this Libra Moon, indicating the potential for stress, anxiety, and a heated discussion or three. Think of the fortitude and courage it takes to make any break, to blaze an entirely new path for yourself, and you're on the right track. But rest assured that if you blend courage and honesty with grace and stay the course, the rewards could indeed be great!
Trading in stress and struggles for a new kind of bliss and beauty is a gift of Libran eclipses, illuminating the parts of life where it's high time for these kinds of breakthroughs. This is a powerful chance to cut ties with cycles of stress and inner/outer "warfare" to create a space for profound peace to manifest.
Tuesday's eclipse also brings a culmination point in an eclipse series that began in late 2013. Something you initiated then could be on the verge of coming to fruition in powerful way! If you have personal planets or sensitive points from 1-5 degrees Libra or Aries, you'll experience the eclipse energies most intensely.
ON RELATIONSHIPS: Libra-Aries and the "Me" vs. "We" Balancing Act
The Libra/Aries axis is about learning how to integrate our personal wants and needs with learning how to cooperate with others in ways that create as much empowerment and harmony as possible. At best, Aries won't be had by anyone and presses ahead on a fiery path of self-actualization. Libra's highest expression lies in the art of healthy compromise, where tact is an eloquent gift and deals are struck that create win-win situations for each person.
On the flip side, Aries can become absorbed in its own desires to the point of running roughshod over others, whether it's by making overtly selfish choices or giving very little thought to what's being said and how. Libra can have grace and charm down to the point of engaging in sugar-coated people-pleasing, sacrificing healthy self-interest to keep "harmony" intact. The thought of speaking with upfront honesty and upsetting others is downright painful for the ultra-Libran type, something that the archetype of Aries fundamentally does not understand.
GRACE UNDER FIRE: Integrating Honesty With Tact
As the Libra Moon and Sun/Mercury in Aries stand divided by the Earth for this eclipse, the issues we face in integrating these parts of our inner and outer lives will become very clear. Have you stayed in a relationship for far too long - with a person, with a belief or habit pattern - out of insecurity, or out of fear of upsetting another? Has your bravery been hidden away out of fear of the upheaval a positive change would create? Are you staying silent when you should indeed be speaking up loud and clear for your own wants and needs? An additional thought on the power of this pairing is that relationships can be infused with greater passion now, maybe even stemming from a necessary "clearing of the air" or healing another disagreement first.
It takes COURAGE (Aries) to be real with yourself and others, and real skill to communicate honest thoughts with grace and consideration (LIBRA).
It could be time for you to put impulsivity and a "lone wolf" mentality aside to form meaningful bonds with another (truth: you can't always go it alone), or the moment might be right to channel the nerve required to make healthy choices for you regardless of how another feels about it. Allow events to unfold and allow the old to dissolve if need be, trusting your intuition and the messages that these events bring.
Saturn Square Jupiter at the **SATURN STATION** and Venus in Pisces: Dreams In Action
The energy of immense standstill and "getting real" is woven into this eclipse, with Saturn turning retrograde in Sagittarius just two days after (shoutout to Sagittarians especially - there's major restructuring happening in your sign through December 2017!). Sometimes a key part of moving forward is going backwards for a while! If a roadblock's got you down, never fear: this is an enormously powerful time to dig even more deeply into the possibilities that are born when we roll up our sleeves and put in the work required to get a job done. This station might show you exactly where one-way thinking trips you up, or where randomness/lack of attention to details has kept you from experiencing success.
Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, squares mighty Saturn from Virgo - a sign that's all about those details! That's where the opportunities lie now, in expanding ourselves through attentiveness, dedication to routines, and feeling gratitude for all the little shifts we see in the manifestation process. Growth through mindfulness and mastery is especially likely with Jupiter in Virgo through this fall.
If you're feeling discouraged, don't let Old Man Saturn get you down. Let the results of your efforts boost your faith as you aim higher, higher, higher!
The Heart's Deepest Longings...
Meanwhile, eclipse ruler Venus in Pisces opposes Jupiter and moves closer to a square with Saturn. Let your heart's deepest longings guide you while you flow with any setbacks. Soothe heartaches and accelerate the creation of your desires through dance; make music and revel in beautiful art; crawl into your deepest dreamspace and envision all of what you wish was a part of your now. Feel it as if it was real, allowing the dream of a better life to call you home...then get down to making it happen.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2016. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.