New moon times are traditionally called the "dark of the moon," since the sun's light is not reflected off of the moon's surface. The Sun and Moon join at the new moon, creating a fertile energetic seed planting time for the things we wish to create. This is certainly a fitting time of the month to turn our attention inward and feel more than think, allowing intuition to lead the way.
Although you might be feeling the desire to withdraw, this is a much livelier new moon than some. The new moon is in Aquarius, and its unpredictably supercharged ruler Uranus is stirring up even more of that Aquarian desire to do things our way, to break the bonds that hold us back, to be absolutely *free* to express and live how we see fit without anyone else's approval.
Mars in Scorpio is also squaring the Sun and Moon, adding even more restlessness to the mix. This energy is deep, intense, and edgy, not at all quelling the possibility for some battles of the will or any kind of "fight" impulse. Accidents are more likely now due to an unstable energetic foundation (this is not meant in any way to frighten or scare! Think twice before doing something rash; just be as mindful as possible and take some time to *breathe* before leaping).
Mars in Scorpio has a keen ability to calculate every move, to sense all things that are hidden, to probe through the seeming darkness and perceive what might otherwise go unnoticed. Those with Mars in Scorpio also have the gift of intuitive timing, giving rise to an uncanny ability to pounce when the time is right. If we use that power for the Highest Good now, we can work a whole lot of magic in life. As is the nature of Scorpio, some of us will be working through some heavy issues in order to gain that freedom the new moon is beckoning us towards, perhaps issues related to sexuality, "yours vs. mine," boundaries, shared resources, plunging deeply into exploring and healing the roots of physical illness, and so on.
Add to that the Venus-Pluto conjunction and we have some power-packed energy on our hands. Venus-Pluto carries incredibly Scorpionic energy, flowing right with the themes of Mars in Scorpio. Did you have any walls that came crashing down in intimacy in the last handful of days? Experiencing powerful realizations surrounding desires or anything that brings pleasure, a draw toward accumulating wealth, or the compulsion to (surprise!) *~break free~* from constraints re: the Divine Feminine, your sensual nature, or a draw toward the more mysterious aspects of life? Getting to the heart of difficult truths that really can set you free if you make even the slightest alterations to your course? This is no journey for the faint-hearted, but one that can transform most profoundly from the inside out.
The Owl strikes me as an appropriate animal totem for this New Moon, given their amazing abilities in flight (Aquarius is an air sign) and their oneness with all things Scorpionic. Being at home in the darkness, having amazing capabilities for stealthy flight, and a cache of gifts in sensory perception that allows them to be the powerful wild creatures that they are - these qualities are intimately connected to the energies of Scorpio. Owl can help you traverse your own inner landscape to discover what lies below and to dive into the mysterious parts of life in a way that merges the catharsis of darkness with Light. As Owl has ancient associations with the Divine Feminine, this is also an appropriate spirit guide to lead us through any new moon's terrain. As surely as the owl soars freely through the darkness, we can tap into our own depths and emerge with greater wisdom and understanding with which to move forward.
This is an especially powerful time to set your course and keep your eyes fixed on freedom, no matter how challenging you feel the road ahead may be. And by the way, how are those new moon wishes coming along from last month? With Mercury now moving forward in Capricorn and flowing beautifully with Jupiter/North Node, there's a natural ability to see the landscape of truth and our lives without getting quite so lost in the details.
Continue seeking higher ground, tap your inspiration, and build those dreams - you can be an even freer being if you just stay the course!
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2016. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.