Enter the energy of tomorrow's Full Moon in Sagittarius that's been building all week. This is no ordinary full moon: it's the first of two full moons in Sagittarius happening consecutively. In short, it means we have long-range recalculating and course-setting work to do. And to add even more of a backwards-feeling sort of flare is the fact that Mars, which is currently retrograde in Sagittarius, will be exactly conjunct this full moon. This lunation carries a different sort of fire: a fire of inner revision (and truly, RE-vision) that can carry us forward if we allow the ever-changing trade winds to usher us in the right direction. Sagittarius is about moving on to exciting new horizons, yes - but the Mars and Mercury retrogrades especially, along with Saturn Rx also in Sagittarius, it's not time to make big moves yet.
We're in the midst of cosmic cycles that have the effect of washing away foundations that must be dissolved. The mutable T-Square between Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune that will hold throughout the summer months has most everyone feeling a bit disillusioned in some way. This configuration is bringing great waves of change into our lives, but before we can start to dream a new desire into being or figure out the best way to get from A to B, we must acclimate to that feeling of drifting. We must make peace with uncertainty, to walk with the questions to the best of our abilities. In all my conversations with clients this week, it seems as though most everyone is feeling at least a little lost at present. And as vulnerable as that drifting feeling can be, the Universe really is washing away stagnant circumstances so we can integrate dreams with doable realities.
Letting go, blending intuition with practical planning, and in revisiting this process again and again as we move through the summer months will be a key piece for peace now and major success later.
Digging in to what needs attention now, to which parts of life may be bringing unexpected setbacks and surprises at present, can help you get your bearings if you feel lost. Ground into Earth Mother, feeling the roots of trees and the vast expanse of ancient physical support beneath you. As a Galactic Traveler on planet Earth, you have all the key pieces you need to traverse these uncharted waters. Use your intuitive knowing; let your desires be your map. Don't be afraid of watching old dreams die, perhaps watching little pieces of the life you once knew or beliefs you once held be cast into the waves. Be willing to go back to the drawing board again and again, knowing that part of the great lesson here is learning to trust your inner knowing and the process of life in equal measure. With Jupiter, the ruler of this full moon, forming a trine to Mercury Rx in Taurus, any temporary financial or other life setbacks are really working very well in your favor. This is a time of monumental opportunity, even if it is buried beneath layers of repressed energy and frustration.
Revise, restructure, recreate, and flow with the changes - you're on your way to a more magical destination than you can possibly imagine! What is asking to be released at this time so you can embrace *~all~* the vast possibilities of your life?
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2016. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.