February is a power-packed month, with the first two eclipses of the year occurring in Leo and Pisces. The Lunar Eclipse at 22° Leo kicks it off with some serious panache on February 10 at 8:44 PM EST.
Because this is a penumbral eclipse, it could be said that its effects won't be as potent as that of a total eclipse (though an eclipse is an eclipse, and plenty potent just the same!). This eclipse will be visible in Europe, Africa, and in many parts of North America and Asia.
If your birthday is between August 10-14, this could be a life-changing year for you! This also applies to people with Rising Sign/Midheaven/Nadir, planets, or the Nodes from 20°-24° of Leo. If you have planets/personal points at those same degrees in any other fixed sign (Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus), you'll be impacted as well.
Lunar Eclipses
When a full moon occurs within 12° of the nodes, it’s classified as an eclipse. The Earth stands between the Sun and the Moon—two celestial bodies always dancing in tandem with one another to create the moon cycles—temporarily halting the energy flow between the two. This cosmic “reset” results in make-or-break moments in relationships of all kinds: between us and another person, a job or other life circumstance, and so on. These moments bring about situations in which we must confront reality, and sometimes, what we see is upsetting. But all eclipses provide us with opportunities to make pivotal life changes--we have a penultimate chance get clear on what doesn’t serve us anymore, or by experiencing once in a lifetime chances that seem to be the stuff of destiny.
On the whole, lunar eclipses are more emotionally-charged than solar eclipses, and center on emotions stemming from relationships: potent beginnings or endings. Think of lunar eclipses are full moons on steroids, and you’re on the right track!
Lunar Eclipse in Leo: Express, Create, Tap Into Joy!
Though eclipses can bring major challenges, the overall tone of the Leo Lunar Eclipse is joyful and expansive—rejoice! All eyes are on this eclipse’s potential to bring penultimate events in the way of:
· Children
· Creative self-expression
· Being in the spotlight
· Confidence/pride
· Nurturing the Inner Child
· Joy
Because this is a lunar eclipse, endings that clear the way to experience the best parts of what the above themes can offer us could manifest. For others, a big realization (surprise, surprise—we’re pregnant!) or opportunity to express ourselves and step out center-stage are also on the table. For some, a pregnancy would be joyful, life-changing news; for others, it’s possible that an unplanned pregnancy, or other disruptive scenario with children, could herald the beginning of the end of ill-fated relationships.
This is not the time to be a wallflower—it’s a chance to shine out, or be thrust out, to show the world what we’ve got.
This is not a particularly stressful eclipse, per se, but that which is not aligned with our joy and heart’s desires could begin to fall away. These realizations or events may harken back to childhood experiences in which the joy of being a kid was not honored, or where our individuality or creations were shunned/belittled/suppressed. This eclipse could illuminate what we need to release in order to experience happiness and express ourselves with pride.
This eclipse will bring some high-vibing, feel-good chances for us to express our creative potential in every way. Time spent with children can open our hearts in a big way, reminding us of our need as beings to play, to create, to be for the sake of fulfillment and pleasure…and when we follow those pleasures, all forms of success and abundance are sure to follow.

With an exact sextile between the MOON in Leo and JUPITER in Libra, incredible opportunities for creative collaborations in the arts, as well as any form of diplomacy, are sure to present themselves. We’ll be thinking BIG, and will likely have plenty of confidence to strut our stuff. Feeling optimistic about the future (maybe even having a tendency to overextend ourselves) is likely, and we get a big boost from other major planetary players to make good on our ideas.
The MOON forms a solid, innovative trine to SATURN in Sagittarius and URANUS in Aries, bringing monumental change well within our grasp. We have forward-thinking yet pragmatic, resolved cosmic energies at our back to turn aspirations into results. If you’ve been contemplating putting your skills out there as a new business venture, or are an aspiring artist of any kind that’s feeling the urge to take a leap of faith toward success, the Universe has your back.
Another major influence during this eclipse is MERCURY in Aquarius forming a sextile to VENUS in bold Aries. It’s time to radically alter your thinking and get brave in relationships, money, and personal values. If you’re feeling stifled, now’s the time to begin to let go of what holds you back. Change your mind and paradigms, adjusting to new frequencies and “cosmic downloads” that come in these powerful moments. When you do, you’ll have more courage to alter relationships that aren’t serving you, or to make a gutsy move toward artistic endeavors…and perhaps moving into a period where you can begin making more money doing them!
Though trines are usually thought of as positive aspects in astrology, it’s wise to temper that viewpoint with an understanding that trines open the door so energy can flow straight through, unimpeded by our inner blocks or external events that could get in the way. If you find yourself in a tough position in the days before and after this eclipse, trust that the Universe really is blowing incredible winds of change in your direction, even if you don’t see it yet. We’re working on the themes that one eclipse cycle brings for the next six months (or 18 years if we zoom out to larger eras), so trust that you’ll reap the rewards of events/realizations you’re now having as time goes on.
We’ll all have the chance to shine out at this eclipse as we’re called to live large and let love radiate out into the world. Know that you are the sole creator of your reality, and that by following your greatest passions and getting into the essence of Love and Joy, the Universe will pave your way with more bliss than you could possibly have imagined.
Key Points for Contemplation
- What opportunities are presenting themselves for me to clear old patterns related to love and appreciation, including self-love and appreciation?
- Am I in relationships that make me feel happy, whole, and spark a sense of joy within me?
- Where am I being asked to let go of a relationship, belief, or other situation that stifles my happiness? My expression? My ability to ability to share love more openly?
- Am I willing to embrace truths that are presenting themselves now--truths about a person, situation, or my own beliefs/patterns that prevent me from living a happier life? Am I willing to move into a place of clear-seeing, acceptance, and taking action to release that which no longer serves me?
- Are opportunities for partnerships emerging that can open up new possibilities in every part of life? Am I willing to work across divides for a shared purpose when it benefits all people involved?
- Am I willing to take a chance to set off on a new course for using my God(dess)-given creativity that is my Divine Right, that will benefit All?
- Am I willing to act on an opportunity to experience greater stability through a career change--a change that will require perseverance, but will allow me to radically alter my life circumstances for the better? Am I willing to build something new and adventurous to enjoy more freedom, happiness, and open flow of Divine Creative Energies?
- Am I willing to speak my truths and boldly align with my heart's desires? Am I willing to embrace the courage to live authentically and give birth to new dreams?
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2017. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.