La Luna joins with the Sun at 27 degrees of Virgo on the 20th at 1:30 AM EDT, along with a host of other planets in Virgo: Mercury, Mars, and Venus. If you've been feeling the tug and pull of responsibilities - and have been in total "go mode" lately - you've been tuning into the celestial vibes of not only the planets currently transiting the sign of The Virgin, but also the building energies of this lunation.
It's a busy time of juggling upkeep in pertinent parts of life - putting in the effort to take our talents to the next level, staying on top of daily responsibilities, and finding the pockets of time that allow for recharge and rejuvenation.
Each new moon kicks off a new 2.5-year cycle in all things related to that sign, and to the life themes and issues it activates within our personal birth charts. If you're familiar with your chart, look to see the house that contains 27 degrees of Virgo. This is where new beginnings are about to be set in motion in your life.
The Virgo Archetype
No other sign holds all the details of life together quite as well as Virgo. This is the part of the Zodiac where talents undergo intense scrutiny and honing; where we examine what is in need of a practical overhaul to streamline processes; where we examine what's no longer needed, toss it out, and put the relevant pieces back together so our processes can run like clockwork.
Themes of health and wellness and being of practical service to others are also strong Virgo themes. It's a wonderful time to reflect on what's been tugging at you in these parts of life, and to make a plan as to how you can align with goals such as these.

With this new moon in a T-square configuration with SATURN in Sagittarius and CHIRON in Pisces, we'll be experiencing a fair amount of stress around how to reconcile seemingly incompatible facets of our personality, desires, or life circumstances. The Virgo-Pisces opposition is one of working with different kinds of focus and service. Virgo is oriented toward the practical "here and now" bits of life, while Pisces is far more dreamy, emotional, and prone to offer love or potentially imbalanced forms of help that might be expressed as unhealthy sacrifice.
With Chiron opposite this new moon, it's a lovely chance to take action toward healing any aspects of our lives through whole-self care (bonus points if you seek the deeper emotional root to what has manifested as imbalances in the body, as this is where many healers believe that dis-ease begins). Integrating even the smallest changes in routine, whether it's adding an important nutritional supplement to your diet, deep breathing, or using essential oils to heal a health condition every day, can truly make a difference over time.
As this opposition forms a square to Saturn, the crux of the thing lies in continuously zooming out from the minute details to grasp the bigger picture of what we're working for. What is our ultimate goal? Can we learn to balance the realms of body, mind, and spirit to live a life that flows more smoothly and efficiently? Can we toggle between the realms of self - the mental, emotional, soul plane? Between the old stories of limitations and outworn beliefs of where we once were, of healing issues that have held us back as we're able to now, and keeping one eye on the future?
An Upgrade for the Mind & Relationships
Though the ultra-ambitious Mercury-Mars conjunction in Virgo is beginning to separate, this influence is still quite strong, and we may have a more solid idea as to how we can integrate what we've learned since Mercury went retrograde on August 12.
Mercury will have just moved out of its Retrograde Shadow period for the new moon, allowing for greater clarity and forward movement, but there's a catch - Mercury and Mars stand opposite NEPTUNE in Pisces. On one hand, frustrations around health and wellness, or control over the flow of daily life and schedules, may emerge. But on the other hand, this aspect presents wonderful opportunities to balance over-attachment to analytical thinking and hard and fast plans with the need to allow a situation to take its course. Trusting our gut and the unfolding process of life as we navigate confusing terrain can teach powerful lessons in balancing intuition with logic, and allowing for greater Divine inspiration to flow through.
Venus lends a supportive hand to the new moon. As she sits at 0 degrees of Virgo, she forms an exciting trine to URANUS Rx in Aries. This is dynamic energy for seeing where we've been stuck in money or relationship ruts - or perhaps not using our resources effectively - and plugging into a whole new paradigm for balance and success. We'll also get a big jolt toward healthy lifestyle changes, perhaps finding it within ourselves to make that change we've been struggling to make to support our wellness. It's time to break out of the norm and use the revolutionary insights of Uranus to lead the charge as it dances with a "misses no detail" energy of Venus as she travels through fastidious Virgo.
Explore these ideas for connecting with this new moon more fully:
- Sweep floors while visualizing stagnant energy being cleared from your space. Know that as the old is swept away, a space for new beginnings is created. This can be followed with a smoke, sound, or other energy clearing.
- Choose a food that is a staple in your diet and approach it with prayerful gratitude. Take extra time before a meal or set aside ritual time to give thanks for this gift from the earth, perhaps connecting with the spirit of that food on a deeper level. Feel the oneness between you and it, allowing gratitude to fill you as you eat.
- Tidy up your workspace in a way that feels good to you. This could include not only the usual straightening and organizing, but making changes to freshen up the flow of energy in the room. Place crystals such as clear quartz on your desk to improve concentration; add hanging plants or desk plants to add life and vitality; use an essential oil diffuser with oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, citruses, pine, or juniper to boost mental clarity and memory (add frankincense or patchouli for grounding). Or drink mint tea or chew on a fresh mint spring for a quick boost!
- Gather herbs associated with Virgo - parsley, mint, dill, endive, or fennel - and integrate them into healthy meals that satisfies the senses. You can also integrate these herbs into fire rituals, tossing a handful onto a fire while setting intentions. Or purchase dried herbs to make an intentional apothecary bottle that carries new moon intentions. Place on a windowsill during the new moon, allowing the moon to infuse them with her blessings.
- Take a walk in nature, allowing her grounding, restorative energies to bring peace and rejuvenation.
- Call on the overlighting energies of Mercury, and of the goddess asteroids Ceres and Vesta to guide you in your new beginnings. These heavenly bodies are coruling planets of Virgo (some astrologers connect the healing asteroid CHIRON to Virgo themes, too). Mercury rules the mind, communication, planning, and learning; Ceres is associated with the land and grain, physical nurturance, mother-child relationships, and themes of environmental stewardship and protection; Vesta is associated with high priestess energies of multi-level purification, sacred sexual expression, and creating a space within which healing can occur.
- Light a candle, asking God/Goddess/the Universe for assistance with fulfilling your desires, or create a more elaborate ritual. Let go of aspects of your wishes you cannot control, and take action toward your goals as you feel called as the moon begins to wax in light.
What magic are you making at this Virgo New Moon? Love, light, and blessings to you on your journey!
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2017. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.