One thing that Mars in Pisces does best - whether it's due to a transit or having natal Mars in Pisces - is channeling physical energy or passion through controlled spiritual or higher-mind based activities. Any endeavor that puts us in a meditative state and requires intense concentration and stamina is excellent now! Yoga, Tai Chi/Qi Gong, distance running, and martial arts are great ways to put this energy to positive use. On the right-brained side, drum circles, dancing, and any kind of marathon music or arts sessions match this vibe very well (I'm remembering my experiences as an undergrad percussionist when I would sometimes practice 4-8 hours in a day...and my natal Mars is on the 11th/12th house cusp in Libra!). Interestingly enough, I woke up this morning feeling the strong impulse to start yoga again for the first time since a nasty post-eclipse ankle injury in October of last year; not something I had planned via astrology, but it certainly fits the current transits perfectly.
A more shadow-side possibility of this placement is that we might meet inner challenges in taking positive action due lower energy levels or a tendency to identify with the elements of a situation that seem impossible (Pisces "victim" mindset), slipping into a sense of helplessness and deep sadness. Another classic trait of these energies is being drawn to those who could be perceived as "victims" in some way.
By using our intuition to tune in to what is *right* about a situation and using our 6th sense to guide us, we can tap into Divine inspiration to take action from a deep place of inner knowing. Helping those in need - so long as it is in balance with honoring our own needs for self-love and healthy boundaries and not trying to "save" others - is a wonderful way to channel these energies.
Over to you, readers! Are you feeling the effects of Mars in Pisces yet? Do you have this placement in your natal chart? How do you plan to use these energies in the coming weeks?
Photo credit: Joel Nelson Nilsson