The new moon is strongly connected to the energies of Uranus, the planet that rules Aquarius, in many ways. The sun and moon form a tight quintile aspect to this celestial rule-breaker, which is also within minutes of being in an exact conjunction to the South Node and in opposition to the North Node. The impulse to shed past constraints and move boldly into authentic self-expression to release our core essence into the world will be irrepressible for many. With Pluto's energies involved in this mix leading up to a final clash between these planets in March, we can use these energies to see through illusions and "fluff" that distort our views of reality and get to the heart of what is of true value and substance in our lives.
The Aquarian vibe is also heightened by the presence of Mercury and Venus traveling through Aquarius, which are moving into an opposition with Jupiter Rx in Leo. Mercury in Aquarius is free-thinking and inventive, and is naturally tuned in to genius ideas and new ways of perceiving; Venus in Aquarius values equality and freedom in partnerships of all kinds and has the ability to put personal needs aside for the benefit of the collective.
With these two planets opposing altruistic Jupiter in the recognition-driven sign of Leo, we are challenged to blend our personal needs and perspectives with those of others. We are now presented with a powerful opportunity to shine our unique light in knowing that if we choose to bring our gifts forward and release ego and insecurities, we can acknowledge the gifts and uniqueness that all people have to offer to create a more idealistic society (this releases us from the limitations inherent in "better than" or "less than" perceptions). When we are confident in ourselves, we are not threatened by the success of others; rather, we can celebrate success with them. When we learn to let go of a dependency on receiving approval of others - or for others to see things "our way" - we can accept the paths which others travel with greater peace that can lead to the realization of a more harmonious world. As Jeff Jawer summed up not too long ago, a spot-on Aquarian motto might be "Together, but not the same."
Grounding in Long-Term Change With Saturn and Vesta
Though new moon times are powerful for getting in touch with our desires, there are even more aspects to this super-new moon that suggest that changes we commit to now can be crafted to last and bring more balance to our lives. The presence of Vesta in Capricorn closely joined with the Sun/Moon invites us to explore ways in which we might restructure our lives for more holistic living. Vesta is an asteroid goddess associated with the nurturance and integration of the self on all levels - physical, emotional, and spiritual - and brings forward energies that can aid us in bringing forward a more complete merger of Heaven on Earth. Examining how we can nurture and care for our physical bodies, honor our emotions and allow for the healthy flow of sexual and creative energies, and cultivate a deeper connection with The Divine on a daily basis are especially supported.
A final key aspect at play is the Sun/Moon's sextile to Saturn. This is a wonderful aspect that creates stimulation, and will bring balance to the potentially radical Aquarian energy of change. When Saturn and Uranus join forces, it is likely that significant change will happen in more pragmatic, sensible ways. If we commit to making bold changes one solid step at a time now, they're likely to last for the long-term.
Are you ready to embrace an entirely new kind of freedom for yourself? Shed societally-imposed ideas of "normal" and "supposed to" and step into the goodness that you are for a whole new level of joyful living now!
Key Questions for Contemplation
- Am I willing to shine my authentic light forward and release thoughts of "should" and opinions of others that hold me back?
- Can I respect and honor the perceptions and viewpoints of others, even if they aren't in alignment with mine?
- Am I willing to heal my insecurities so I can appreciate the gifts that others share more fully?
- Is my body calling for more physical nurturance (dietary changes, exercise, rest and relaxation)?
- Am I blocking the healthy flow of emotions and sexual/creative energies? Am I willing to explore how I might allow these powerful feelings to flow for a more rich and vibrant life experience? Am I willing to release restrictive societal or religious concepts about these feelings that no longer serve me?
- How can I open up to a greater awareness of The Divine and mystical/spiritual experiences? Do I feel called to explore meditation practices, energetic healing, or other way of getting in touch with the essence of my soul?
- Am I willing to embrace the most authentic visions I have for joyful and fulfilling life by making solid changes one step at at time? Am I willing to form alliances and healthy partnerships with those who can help make my visions a reality?
To see how this new moon will be impacting you, look to the house in your birth chart that holds 0 degrees of Aquarius. This house, and the house that falls directly opposite it, will show where these themes will be most prominent in your life.
Want to know more about how the current planetary cycles are impacting you? I offer one-on-one consultations that help you unlock your core potential and provide guidance on navigating your current life cycles with greater awareness and ease! Please see "Contact, Rates, and Specials" to learn more.
Photo credit: Rainbow Mandala Mosaic source: