This is a powerful day to feel gratitude for what's blossoming in your life now; to give thanks for the potential for new beginnings that's always available to us; to see what new growth needs the greatest attention and nourishment from us for our next steps. We celebrate *life* in all its forms, acknowledging the resilience of creation to renew itself and rise over and over again, no matter how long or harsh the winter has been--both literally and metaphorically.
Though the day itself is the start of a new season, the 4th Quarter Moon in CAPRICORN brings a much more serious energy as the lunar energy winds down toward the ARIES NEW MOON on March 27. Quarter moons are challenging--they reveal where we need to align actions with intentions more fully, and oftentimes, that process is anything but comfortable. And Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) is a hard-lined, reality-based, and potentially pessimistic sign.
On one hand, we're yearning for a new beginning, and can see that light beginning to grow on the horizon; but on the other hand, there's something we have to square with, to move through/align with/reconcile, before we can see our desires come to fruition.
This moon phase is about learning to use an old skill in a new way; to integrate a new kind of wisdom to support our understanding of a current situation. We also see what needs to be released, or perhaps re-envisioned, as we start the journey within as the moon wanes.
If we use the power of this time to dream, reflect, give thanks, and do the work we feel called to do within and without, powerful shifts can happen. And with MERCURY squaring PLUTO and opposing JUPITER RX later in the week, that work and contemplation can be intense and rewarding, indeed. Trust that all that falls away at this time, especially as a new SUN-VENUS cycle approaches on March 25, will be for your Highest Good for experiencing fulfillment in all ways in the coming months.
Many blessings to you on this sacred day! How will you celebrate another turning of the Wheel of the Year?
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2017. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.