The past week has brought the 7th out of 7 exact squares between Uranus and Pluto, potent outer planets that have been working to break up outmoded world structures and societal norms since mid-2012. We've experienced the uncompromising standstill and frustration of limitations as Saturn stationed retrograde one week ago, and are about to move beyond the threshold of the Spring Equinox into a new astrological year later today. Every period brings its astrological influences that translate into opportunities for change and transformation, but it's fair to say that the astrology of "now" is entirely monumental.
A Word On Eclipses
Eclipses are powerful events that usually occur in pairs twice a year, and always bring significant change into our lives. They are said to impact the magnetic fields of the Earth, allowing for "upgrades" in our consciousness and DNA to get us up to speed on our life's mission. Unexpected events, last-minute changes in plans, epiphanies of every kind, emotional breakdowns that lead to unprecedented breakthroughs - these experiences are all more common during eclipses, so rest assured that all is well even if you're feeling lost or unsettled!
It's not uncommon for things that no longer serve us to fall by the wayside in the weeks and months following an eclipse. Regardless of surface appearances, any changes that come forward during and after eclipses are Divine gifts, no matter how painful those losses or separations might be. The more we fight inevitable changes, the more we stand in the way of receiving Divine blessings on the way for us.
Eclipse in Pisces - Cleansing & Renewal Before The Dawn
The culmination of the Uranus-Pluto square alone is enough to create a deep impulse to enact major changes in our lives, but these energies are inseparably woven into the energies of the eclipse. This also happens to be the only Uranus-Pluto square of the series during which neither planet was retrograde. The symbolism indicates beyond a doubt that we are ready to assimilate the lessons of the last three years and move fully into the futures we've been manifesting.
Combine that with the energies of the Spring Equinox - a time during which the veil between worlds is thinner and we begin another cycle anew - and we find ourselves preparing to step through a powerful cosmic doorway into new worlds. But before we take that step, this eclipse calls us to deeply cleanse and release the past so we are prepared to embrace the future.
This eclipse occurs in the last degree and last minutes of Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac. This is the cosmic realm in which we let our earthly cares slip away and get lost in what we love, share compassion that knows no bounds, and "zone out" into meditative states to experience Oneness with God/Universe/Source. On the shadow side, it's where we can lose ourselves in addictions to escape our earthly problems and where we drown in feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, becoming "victims" of our own illusionary thinking. In the Pisces glyph, the fishes swim in opposite directions, showing the need for union between the physical and spiritual realms. The keys to healing past wounds is release and forgiveness, and one key to healing addiction or depression is often feeling a deep merger with Eternal Love that flows through deep spiritual experiences - prayer/meditation, the arts, and energetic healing work, to name a few possibilities.
We're all likely to be experiencing profound endings of some kind now - maybe endings of things associated with the "old us" as we were when the Uranus-Pluto square began - and though new beginnings bring hope and excitement, there is a marked sadness in releasing the past. Allowing ourselves to feel the emotions of letting go fully and deeply within ourselves, to sort through our past and release energies and physical ties that aren't serving us serves to renew us in preparation for the dawn.
An emotional vibe dominates as Neptune, Chiron and Mercury are all in Pisces now. Thoughts may turn to wounding and the search for healing as Mercury activates our desire to face deep hurts and discover new perspectives or courses of action that bring renewed feelings of wholeness. We're also more likely to be facing our own addictions and "ruts," too - whether it's substance use or other habits that keep us from actualizing our greatest potential - so we can take practical steps toward enjoying a more balanced life.
Honoring Your Feelings & Manifesting At The New Moon Eclipse
You may be feeling especially emotional now, and if so, you're right in line with the celestial vibe. Withdraw and spend time alone if you can; honor yourself and allow feelings to flow. This will be a deeply cleansing and cathartic eclipse for many, so allow yourself to be present in experiencing intense emotions free of judgment. Spend time in prayer or meditation; get an energy healing session; make music; write poetry, paint, journal, or do anything else that soothes your soul. Give and receive love freely, knowing that all that occurs in the coming weeks is for the Highest Good - all really is well.
Since this eclipse is an extra-potent new moon, the time is ripe for dreaming big and exploring your heart's desires. Allow yourself to connect with intuition and listen in for Divine guidance that points the way to the fulfillment of your desires - with all the incredibly psychic Pisces energy permeating this event, there are incredible epiphanies awaiting those who open to receive! Light a candle and say a prayer, write intentions in a journal, or simply focus on your desires fully, allowing the Universe to assist you in manifesting them over the coming weeks and months. Because eclipse energies continue to work the most intensely for 1-2 weeks afterwards, allow time to process events and realizations and set your intentions when the time feels right.
**Want to know where this eclipse is bringing powerful endings and incredible new opportunities into your life? I'm available for 1-1 astrology consultations in-person and via Skype! Email [email protected] to learn more.**
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2015. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this site and writer with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.