These words came to me as I meditated on what to share about tonight's Scorpio Full Moon (the full moon reaches its peak at 1:24 AM Eastern on Friday). This is no full moon for mere mortals - this full moon is bursting with the rich power that is Creation and the All that encompasses it - an All of which you are an inseparable part. It is arguably the most intense full moon of 2016, one that will bring us face-to-face with issues that have been buried or repressed. It is in these moments, when the moon's glow floods the land and the call to allow hidden material to emerge is at its strongest, that we can experience epiphanies that vibrate through our bones.
With Mars and Pluto both having stationed retrograde this week - planets that co-rule Scorpio - we are at a pivotal point of inner exploration related to all things Scorpionic. We will certainly be called down to our centers to contemplate our desire nature, boundaries, how we channel our passions and dig into our will. It's a time of long-term reflection that leads to renewed life. This full moon will amplify that potential enormously, perhaps creating a turning point from which there is no going back.
There's something calling out from the dark womb of your being, something that beckons you to what lies hidden in the chambers of your spirit. Are you brave enough to follow its call?
This is indeed a time to touch the taboos, for it is here in this space of complete illumination and acceptance of what we find that we can work profound transformation magic. Among other things, this full moon relates to topics of death and rebirth, primal sexual desires, and empowerment. Hidden secrets may emerge, and the time is ripe for powerful emotional and physical releases to wash away the old. Is there a burdensome secret you keep hidden out of fear? Are you burying thoughts or feelings for the sake of maintaining equilibrium and avoiding necessary endings? Are you holding on to shame, guilt, or fear related to the pleasures of the body? This lunation can draw out the provocative power of of the Divine that speaks through us by helping us release all that stands in our way. In bringing these "taboo" issues to the forefront, we have the chance to embrace them without judgment. It is then that we can heal and regenerate ourselves, stepping into more of our Cosmic potential.
Making Full Moon Magic
Allow instincts to be your guide as you explore emotions and circumstances arising at this time. Walk with desires and topics related to literal or metaphorical death/rebirth; explore sacred sexuality; get in touch with your deep ancestral roots and a primal sense of generational purpose on Earth.
Remember that there is power in every death, for new beginnings always await. And though it is rarely a comfortable contemplation, sometimes an acknowledgement of our own mortality can bring about a renewed desire to embrace our desires and live our truth more fully.
This is an especially powerful night for ritual, prayer, or meditation. Be present with that which is emerging within you; observe every feeling, allowing it to act as a messenger for your growth. If you feel the call to contemplate that which is drawing to a close in your life - a relationship, a chapter in your life, a limiting mental construct or paradigm - call on your angels/spirit guides/essence of the Moon to provide strength and guidance. It can be as simple as writing affirmations on paper, lighting a candle, then releasing that which no longer serves you. This is also the time to set out objects you wish to charge or to clear such as crystals or gemstones. If you have the opportunity to "moonbathe" tonight, whether it's through a window or by spending time outside, it could have an especially powerful effect on the mind/body/spirit now.
Go forward to touch the taboos with love and courage, knowing that transformation awaits if you say "yes" to the journey.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2016. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.