Although the ringed planet will go retrograde and slip back into Scorpio from mid-June to mid-September 2015, the overall mood will be much lighter, and we will have greater opportunities to define just what we believe and ways in which we can align our outer lives with inner truths more fully. It also bears mentioning that while Saturn may be the hard master teacher of the zodiac, he's in the land of The Archer now - a realm of broad, expansive, joyful searching and seeking, always driven to know more, aim higher, and to find greater meaning and purpose in an earthly existence. Saturn is concerned with pragmatic results and details and Sagittarius has a gift for "the big picture"; put these two together, and we have an especially powerful combination for conscious creation in the years to come!
Significant challenges lie ahead for those with key Sagittarius natal chart placements (and for anyone with key natal planets/points in Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces), but these will serve to crystallize your identity, take you to task on "walking the walk" in life, and in growing into a more competent version of your true self if you embrace this period with realism and integrity.
As for the more general significance of this transit, there are many possibilities we're likely to see unfolding both personally and collectively. Some likelihoods of Saturn's travels through Sagittarius include:
- Contemplating our beliefs and feeling called to define why we believe what we do, both to ourselves and to others. Do our beliefs rest on a solid foundation? Are we living in full alignment with our truths? Expect conversations about truth and morals to arise more frequently, and to be able to articulate and stand strong in your beliefs as you feel called.
- Feeling called to make our dreams and visions concrete by building them from the ground up one conscientious move at a time. Sagittarius loves to dream big, but struggles to make good on those dreams without a healthy amount of grounding; Saturn will supply the energies needed to manifest visions into reality. Saturn asks for nothing less than our very best, and if we answer this call, long-term success and new levels of maturity are sure to result.
- The healing of fears, doubts, or limitations that keep us from exploring the world and integrating a wider view of existence, or limiting perceptions of ourselves that hold us back from going for our goals; New commitments to knowledge and truth-seeking on a small and large scale. Periods of new growth through study or travel will become more prevalent, whether it's exploring new parts of your hometown or flying across the world to study abroad (the study of religious/political/philosophical topics or anything related to teaching is especially supported now). We may also see more widespread resistance to beliefs, people, and lifestyles that differ from our own, since Saturn's shadow manifests as fear, restrictions, limitations, and skepticism of new ideas. This could apply to the ongoing immigration debate in the U.S., to anti-Muslim sentiments, etc. Are we willing to see people as they are and welcome those with pure hearts and minds into the fabric of our personal lives and that of society regardless of these differences?
- The collective resurgence of traditional/dogmatic religious beliefs, politics, and philosophies. This transit may also bring a greater collective desire to heal divides caused by overly zealous religious crusades/viewpoints for a more loving and inclusive society, possibly by way of experiencing harsh limitations that make the ideals of cultural and religious acceptance all the more important.
- Significant changes in the structure of higher education, the publishing industry, politics, or world religions; A serious review of ethics in governments/foreign policy, corporations, and other organizations and greater levels of accountability therein. To illustrate this point, consider recent statements made by Pope Francis regarding the Vatican bureaucracy and what he termed its descent into "spiritual Alzheimers". Grant Lewi called Saturn transits "the cosmic paycheck," where we reap exactly what we sow and are held accountable for our actions, so expect to see many more calls for accountability on the world stage and in our own communities as well.
- The recent arrests made of those who attempt to feed the poor in Florida and in other parts of the U.S. are an example of a more shadow-side possibility of Saturn in Sagittarius, one that could be called a "crackdown on charity". Coldness and stinginess at the expense of reasonable love and generosity are more lower-vibrational possibilities of this transit.
On a more personal note, I've found myself exploring new traditions for the Winter Solstice season and regular meditation practices that are aligned with my beliefs - something I have exclusively shied away from since leaving the Catholic church - as of Saturn's move into Sagittarius. My current rituals aren't affiliated with any religion and are not dogmatic in any way, but they provide me with a structure within which I can maintain a more regular, organized approach to connecting with The Divine in ways that honor my individuality. It never fails to amaze me just how "in sync" my current feelings, projects, and life circumstances are aligned with the current planetary movements, whether I'm making plans by them or not!
Over to you, readers! Have you noticed a shift in perspective and mood since December 23? What were you learning while Saturn was in Scorpio from 2012 through now? What are you looking forward to solidifying as Saturn journeys through Sagittarius? Wishing you much love and many blessings on your journey!