On Grounding: Making Earth+Body+Magic!
If you can, find a spot in nature where you can take a few moments to experience the Earth's vibration more fully (or meditate and envision yourself doing so in a space that helps you to feel more grounded). Notice any sensations in your physical body and how they shift during this time. Feel your skin, your sit-bones, the soles of your feet. Notice the smells around you, the warmth of the sun on your skin; become The Bull.
Indulge the senses, go down into your root…and stay there. Be your body. Be the Earth. Envision roots at the soles of your feet reaching into the core of the Earth, rooting in solidly and immovably...and feel Gaia's love flow back up through your core.
Allow yourself to absorb all that the sensory life has to offer you so you become silence thrumming with the wordless world of physical sensation. Relax deeply and alllow Gaia’s all-encompassing embrace to assist you in letting stress and mind chatter melt away. Feel the power in the act of just being, of feeling your Root Chakra come alive through a visceral connection to the planet. Breathe; feel; taste; touch; revel. Your body is your temple, and you know the power of All That Is more fully through an ever-deepening holy connection that flows between you and Gaia.
From this space of sacred merger of spirit with the full embodiment of matter - of Body/Earth Magic - we can more clearly sense what our hearts are saying. With Pluto trine the Sun and Moon, the power of intuition and getting real about our earthly desires flows easily.
What do you long for in the material world? What is your sensual self calling out for that deserves to be acknowledged and honored? Is it dreams of greater financial security or having a greater abundance of creature comforts to make your life more pleasurable? Many spirit-seekers get lost in the illusion that we have to separate our spirit selves from the pleasures of the flesh in order to live a "holy life," but that simply isn't the case! It's when we listen to our whole self and allow more integration of these elements to flow that we create Heaven On Earth...and who wouldn't want that?
**Wishing you many blessings as you nourish your Whole Self and make new moon magic at this wonderfully supportive time!**
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2016. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.