Cancer is the sign that is most connected with home and family, with our biological and soul-level roots, with past memories that can stretch beyond those we've acquired in this lifetime. Ruled by the Moon herself, Cancer is a sign of love, compassion, nurturance, and mother energies, of complete emotional security: the totality of a thriving inner and outer sanctuary. The moon and Cancer are also associated with habit patterns we cling to because they are familiar - not necessarily because they serve our best interests.
Uranus is square to the Sun and Moon, zapping whatever part of our lives Cancer represent in our personal birth charts with the energy of radical change. Feeling an intense desire to break from the status quo in your personal life? Experiencing restlessness and the need to break with familial patterns or close relationships that stifle your self-expression? Feeling compelled to make some kind of profound change that will lead to experiencing more peace, love, and nurturance in the sanctuary of your life? That's Uranus working to bust you out of limiting self-perceptions and into the light of your soul's calling. Uranus will Station Retrograde later this month, making its connections with this new moon even more significant. We'll all get a chance to do deep review work of just what those newfound emotional freedoms might look like while Uranus is retrograde from July 26 to December 25.
Mercury-Mars Opposing Pluto: Repression That Leads To Release & Empowerment
Liberating ourselves from past patterns and conditioned emotional responses takes courage and perseverance, and we're getting just the cosmic boost we need to crack old foundations to access that power. Mars and Mercury are exactly joined in Cancer, giving our thoughts and words an especially courageous, straightforward, and impassioned edge as they oppose Pluto in Capricorn. Mars is an emotional powerhouse in Cancer, amping up our desire to protect the home front and those we love. It also adds enormous passion and the capacity to act on our feelings to the celestial mix. Mercury's connection brings a significant mental focus to our innermost feelings and private worlds, both physically and in the realm of imagination.
There's an energy about now that might best be described as "one foot on the gas and the other on the brake". Pluto represses and buries what it least for a while. While it's contacting Mars and Mercury, we're likely to feel a certain heaviness or fatigue, as well as possible repression of emotions, communicative abilities, and sexual or creative energies. Though Pluto can give incredible staying power, we can only allow those energies to build up for so long until they explode into external events, and often in messy and potentially harsh ways.
We have a profound chance to tap into this Plutonian essence for carefully-measured yet honest and straightforward self-expression now. Pluto shows where we've been repressed for far too long, where we can let intense and overwhelming feelings surface for release and total self-empowerment. Allow for the release of taboo or powerful feelings - or connect with the parts of yourself that feel broken, rejected, fearful, or denied and reach out to them with love and courage - to root into the essence of your Divine heritage.
Venus Square Saturn: Getting Real With Love and Money
Are you feeling friction between you and a friend or relationship partner? Are your spending habits not adding up with the reality of current financial circumstances? Are your values at odds with friendship dynamics, career path, or any other part of life? These Venus-Saturn themes are woven into this new moon as well, making it the perfect time to do some serious evaluation of what's working and what is not in those areas. This could be an ideal week for having an honest conversation that makes or breaks commitments so you can honor your needs more fully. Necessary break-ups are never fun, but Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio is making one last pass to dredge up potentially unpleasant truths so we can deal with them once and for all. Monetary security is significant at present, since emotional security is inextricably linked to having the financial resources to meet our needs for shelter, safety, and comfort. General themes around money, shared resources, trust, and integrity in personal relationships will be prominent through mid-September; Saturn's square to Venus as she prepares to turn retrograde on July 25 highlights them even more.
The New Moon is exact Wednesday, July 15 at 9:24 PM EDT. The 24-hour period before and after new moons is an ideal time to contemplate how you can create new beginnings by reflecting on the issues it brings forward. Once the 24-hour period is passed, the climate is right to begin new projects and "plant seeds" to bring new projects or visions to fruition.
To find where these new moon themes are impacting you, find the part of your birth charts that holds 23 degrees of Cancer. This is where you're called to root in to what whole-self security means to you; where you are due for radical change so your needs can be met more fully; to express your feelings honestly from your deepest power center.
Act with empowerment and strength, but allow love - perhaps self-love and compassion most of all - to shine from the core of your choices.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2015. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this site and writer with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.