There's a need to release the old and embrace the flow of life now, but just where is the current of Conscious Evolution carrying you off to? An innate sense of drifting to unknown destinations can be all but expected with the first pass of the Saturn-Neptune square inching toward exactness this Thursday. That feeling of drifting, as well as intense dreams and desires versus necessary sacrifice, are deeply embedded into this full moon. This intense planetary duo is bringing with it a flood of fears (and tears for some), yearnings, and the need to let go and let the waters of life wash away the dross of the past.
Geminian Eyes: Taking It *All* In, Talking Out The Differences
The zodiacal opposition of Gemini and Sagittarius highlights different kinds of information and the ways in which we process that information. Gemini's focus is on the details, while Sagittarius takes an eagle's eye view. One difference between these mutable signs that's worth noting is that although Gemini can have an obsession with details, it is also a much more flexible sign than Sagittarius, since Gemini has a natural ability to see the same situation from multiple angles. As a pure archetype, there's no dogma in Gemini - this is the quintessential intellectual chameleon. The capacity to explore many points of view with an in exhaustibly inquisitive mind, the world a never-ending playground of perceptions - that's the joy of Gemini.
Enter the super-charged and possibly contentious stellium in Sagittarius that feeds into this full moon. The Sun and Mercury are joined with Saturn, where we can easily slip in the word "structures" and "boundaries," statements like "the way things should be," and deep-seeded fears. Sagittarius also represents foreign cultures and religion. This is reflected in the current themes of fear of violent religious extremism, and in the juxtaposition of those who fear refugees crossing national borders and those whose hearts ache to let them in. The Gemini moon will pull our instincts in the direction of open-mindedness and shifting the kaleidoscope ever-so-slightly to take in what has the potential to be a breath of fresh air. Talk it out with friends, engage in meaningful dialogue with the global community, ponder, journal - anything that helps you reorient your beliefs to new and pertinent information the Universe seems to be intent on delivering.
Enriching Beliefs With New Perspectives
"Morals" is a term that can refer to a much broader scope than just religion. It encompasses the framework of our core belief systems, perhaps the larger framework of the world that makes the most sense to each of us. Gemini teaches that there are myriad paths to venture down on the human journey, and that each person/culture/religion has inherent gifts to offer the world. If we are too afraid or closed-minded due to a fear of the unknown - or only being willing to see things through one philosophical or religious lens - we stand to lose out on the joy of learning what those with different life paths might be here to teach us.
Are your messengers coming in the form of fears or inner crises now? A friend who sees a contentious issue differently than you? A synchronistic circumstance that draws your attention inward to issues that deserve thorough exploration? If we can find the courage to be open without compromising our core values, we might learn that a deeper look into others' hearts and minds can broaden our world in monumental ways. Let the light of love shine out to heal your fears, and allow impartial exploration of the world's diversity to enrich your life.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2015. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.