Jupiter always represents where we have the chance to expand ourselves and our world. It's there that new opportunities can arise in ways that serve to enrich our lives in ways that usually feel good and abundant in the end. With Jupiter in Virgo, we might feel a bit pinched for a while - the biggest planet has to tighten its belt a good bit and put on its reading glasses to make the most of the bits that Virgo demands attention to. But if we focus on those details sans unhealthy perfectionism while tuning into a little faith, we can craft amazing results that will bring big rewards in the future.
Here's an excerpt from the August 2015 edition of my new Monthly Astrological Planning Calendar that explains general changes and opportunities we can expect while Jupiter is in Virgo:
"Jupiter in Leo (July 2014 – August 2015) brought bold and playful self-expression, helping us open new doors for discovering how to shine our gifts and talents more confidently. If Jupiter is free to play, to tap into creativity and heart-courage and self-love like never before, its ingress into Virgo will bring us “down to earth” for some grounding and balance in the coming year. When Jupiter moves into Virgo, it can guide us in learning the benefit of more pragmatic and conservative approaches to life to use our inner and outer resources more wisely. We’ll also become more likely to tune into how good it feels to use our time and talents to help others, no matter how small our thoughtful gestures might be.
Jupiter in Virgo Key themes
- Opportunities to meld little details and “The Big Picture”
- Expansion and abundance through service to others
- Increased abundance through careful spending/saving habits, streamlining, and planning – the “little things” really do add up to big change!
- A focus on care of the physical body; new opportunities and breakthroughs for healing
- Newfound interest in care and integration of all parts of the Self
- Discovering foreign practices that can heal the body and foster mind-body-spirit connections (“foreign” meaning anything new to you, or from another country or cultural background)
Possible challenges
- Getting caught up in perfectionism
- Difficulty in letting go of criticism toward self and others
- Criticism and judgment toward others due to differences in personal truth, spirituality, religion, etc.
- Becoming caught up in rigid routines, health and wellness practices, or religious practices in ways that restrict healthy flow and spontaneity
- Slipping into “all or nothing” approaches to self-improvement and achieving goals
- “Playing small” through unfulfilling servitude or unhealthy self-sacrifice"
Jupiter in Virgo Sale - Save $10 on all astrology readings through August 31!
Want to know where Jupiter's move into Virgo is bringing new opportunities for new beginnings and self-improvement in your life? I'm offering **$10 off** of all astrology readings through August 31 to celebrate Jupiter's big move! Email [email protected] to schedule or find out more.
If you enjoyed this cosmic "heads-up," you can receive far more information for the month ahead by subscribing to monthly Astrological Planning Calendars! Be in the know with the latest cosmic changes, what days and times are most supportive of putting important plans into action, when to avoid making important agreements, and so much more! Click and scroll through the Astrology tab or email me at [email protected] to learn more.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2015. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.