The Sun-Moon-Pluto conjunction at this new moon suggest that immense rewards and maybe even the awakening of a dormant superpower or two await those who have the courage to face fears or insecurities that hold them back. Capricorn has high standards - sometimes impossibly high. Maybe our inner critic silences the raw talent that shimmers just below the surface, quietly waiting for us to coax it out from hiding. Maybe we feel the path ahead is far too long or treacherous for us to even set foot in that direction; after all, others might have already achieved similar things, and maybe have done it far more proficiently than we could ever do it (sound familiar? Welcome to the Capricorn shadowlands!). This new moon implores you to listen to those insecurities, and to toss them by the wayside and take meaningful excuses! We are all born for greatness in some way that no one else can embody quite like we can, and this lunation says it's high time we pressed on in that inevitable direction.
**That Sun-Moon-Pluto stellium squares radical Uranus, pointing toward monumental changes over time. Whatever stands between you and living your highest potential and sharing your unique wisdom with the world is asking to be radically transformed and released through diligence and dedication.**
Mercury Rx in Capricorn suggests that through a reflective process of reviewing what we want to achieve, how far we've come, and what steps come next for living those achievements, we'll have a sturdier foundation for success in the coming year and well beyond. This is a time to plan and *do*, most definitely 24-hours after this new moon (if not waiting to move on the most significant parts of budding plans after Mercury turns direct on January 25...just to be on the safe side).
Capricorn, the impossible Sea Goat, has the resolve, tenacity, and maturity to see great feats through to completion on its trek up the mountain. Root into your most unshakable self and find inspiration in bringing your deepest desires to life!
This New Moon, which is exact at 8:31 PM EDT, will have the greatest impact those with personal planets or key points near 19 degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, and Libra.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2016. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.