This new moon centers on perceptions/paradigms, communication, study, variety in experiences, and in becoming more adept at juggling all the moving parts of life that can seem overwhelming from time to time.
If you have your birth chart, look to see where 4 degrees of Gemini falls by house. This is the part of life in which you'll feel called to enact a new beginning; to gather more information before making decisions; to release old paradigms in favor for new viewpoints that can liberate you from limiting ways of thinking and being in the world. It's also where you'll feel the most drawn to refresh your mental palette, enjoying mentally-engaging play and novelty as you explore the endlessly fascinating bits and pieces that life has to offer.
ARIES: 3rd House of Contracts, Learning, & Local Involvements
TAURUS: 2nd House of Finances & Possessions
GEMINI: 1st House of Identity & Initiation
CANCER: 12th House of Mysteries & Secrets
LEO: 11th House of Community Organizations & Future Goals
VIRGO: 10th House of Career & Public Identity
LIBRA: 9th House of Foreigners, Travel, & Higher Education
SCORPIO: 8th House of Intimacy & Shared Resources
SAGITTARIUS: 7th House of 1-1 Relationships
CAPRICORN: 6th House of Routines, Wellness, & Vocation
AQUARIUS: 5th House of Romance & Creativity
PISCES: 4th House of Home & Private Life
MARS-SATURN: Up Against the Wall
Yesterday brought the exacting of a tough Mars-Saturn Rx opposition between Gemini and Sagittarius, and we're still well within its range of influence. Themes of confronting old material in our spiritual/philosophical paradigms (facts vs. faith, and better yet, learning how the two are intrinsically connected to one another) are woven into today's lunation. Expect a previously held idea or two to get the "battering ram" treatment on the conceptual level...but expect inner resistance too, even if new ideas are healthy for you to entertain. Saturn doesn't do change easily, or take it lightly for that matter. We've got a chance to rewrite outdated scripts for the better if we're willing to expand into brave new territory.
VENUS-PLUTO: Going Deep in the One-on-One
All this ties directly into relationship and money themes, as red-hot Venus in Aries forms a most provocative square to Pluto Rx in Capricorn. Talk about door-busting in relationships - whether it manifests as sorting through so-called "taboos," fears and insecurities, or how and when to set boundaries, these themes also play a huge role at present. How and when do we let someone in, and when do we close the door? Financial independence is also set to be a major factor, whether it relates to our desire to have greater abundance to generate more for ourselves or to break free from those who drain our peace and resources.
So what do we do with all of this? First things first: do the mental sorting work, but take time out to quiet the mind. With so much Gemini energy influencing us, the tendency is to think/talk/perseverate non-stop. It's important to close the door on external stimuli and opinions and get back in touch with the body. This is a fantastic day for a nature walk or meditation to ground and clear the senses.
An important factor to keep in mind is that the Sun and Moon are forming a semi-square to Venus - an aspect that creates a sense of stagnation, of frustration with parts of life we wish were moving forward more quickly. But with alignments like this, the solution is to give it time. Things will unfold as and how they should, but we must be willing to step out of a "forcing" pattern and allow things to bloom in their own time.
As the waters settle and the silt drops to the bottom of the pond, we'll get the answers we seek. This is a perfect analogy for the energies at present, and a lesson for Gemini season - a time when minds work on overdrive and patience is harder to come by.
As always, this is a wonderful time to explore your desires, taking time out from the busy-ness of the external world to get in touch with the peace at your core. Write, draw, move, sing, or play your desires out; let the awareness come; and when you're clear on intentions you'd like to set, declare it so God(dess)/Cosmos/The Great All can get to work in assisting you in the most powerful of ways.
Wait at least twenty-four hours after the new moon for taking action on a new plan (approximately 3:45 or later on Friday, May 26) for best results. As the moon grows in light over the coming weeks, so too will our motivation to act.
How will you be celebrating the new moon today? Wishing you a magical time full of peace, healing, and blessings!
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2017. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.