The Gifts of Taurus
Psychological intensity aside, this is a full moon of celebrating the abundance that's already manifested - gifts of financial wealth, a safe and happy home, the blessings brought by the third and final harvest season of the year as we move closer to astrological Samhain on November 7. It's a full moon of firming, solidification, and resolve; of putting down more stable foundations upon which our lives and sense of personal worth and purpose can be built up higher and more indestructible than before.
A Rumbling Down Below
As JUPITER opposes this full moon from Scorpio's depths, it's an all-out tale of mythic proportions for some as emotions are dually heightened, and we're faced with healing issues that are emerging from our subconscious and unconscious realms. Monsters emerge from the closet; issues with those closest to us we thought had long since passed might be coming to the surface in what could be a tipping point in a significantly powerful healing crisis. Dealing with the darkness and Shadow within and without comes to the forefront, impelling us to deal with issues at hand, lest things spiral farther out of control.
Jupiter's influence might also lead some to feel a deep hunger and yearning for wealth and peace - something that might be sought externally, but a quest in which the first steps to experiencing greater abundance lies within.
Big blessings are available now for those who rise to the occasion and meet challenges eye-to-eye, knowing that as we peel back the layers of our own fears, anxieties, and wounds, we can release and transmute the energies at their core to live a much happier, more blissful life.
The Element of Surprise and Revelation
This full moon has been bringing shocks aplenty in the days leading up to its exactitude. With Taurus's ruling planet VENUS in an opposition to URANUS Rx between Libra and Aries, aspects of the week's vibe have been confrontational, rattling, and dishing out plenty of "wake up calls" for us to process. Flaring tempers followed by moments of clarity bring powerful realizations; we discover what we do, hopefully using logic and rational intellect to sort through what we've discovered. Lessons of balance, respect for other's differences, and knowing when it's time to throw off the chains of the past and go our own way are the way of the day.
Points for Contemplation
How are you feeling called to revolutionize relationships, love, or money matters to enjoy greater peace and tranquility at home? Are you ready to shed the layers that hold you back so you can ground, pad your nest egg, and restore peace to frazzled senses? Do you know your worth? Are you ready to shed the weight of other's expectations, or efforts to dull your shine, so you can root into your identity and purpose in an ever-deepening, flourishing way?
More surprises are surely in store as the year comes to a close, and this weekend brings a beautiful chance to do one crucial layer of inner work to clear the way for the manifestation of our desires more fully.
May you clear the way for peace, harmony, and self-care this weekend. Enjoy a nourishing meal with those you love; pamper your body with a massage, soothing bath, with warm blankets and hot tea; take a walk in the woods, adopting a pace that allows your senses to bathe in the autumn goodness and rich wonders of the wild world. You just might find that a renewed sense of inspiration, gratitude, and awe in the magic of life awakens as you do.
Many blessings to you and yours!
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2017. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.