The full moon is exact at 6:33 a.m. Eastern tomorrow. Those who have personal planets from 20-24 degrees of Cancer and Capricorn, as well as the other cardinal signs of Libra and Aries, will experience the effects of this full moon the most directly.
Cardinal Grand Cross: The Pull in All Directions
Feeling overwhelmed, torn, or stretched almost beyond your capacity? Take heart--we're all under a good amount of astrological stress at the moment. This week's potent Cardinal Grand Cross pulls from four distinct corners of our lives and psyche. These are challenging configurations to navigate, but ultimately, they bring our awareness to embodying more balance between seemingly contradictory parts of life, or conflicting feelings and desires. And when grand crosses occur in Cardinal signs, it's all about action and initiative.
The Cancer Moon is full of emotion--the Cosmic Mother, always warm and overflowing with love, warmth, nostalgia, the desire to crawl inside the proverbial shell and feel. Sensitivities run high when the Moon passes through her home sign, and when she's filled to the brim as she is now, those feelings reach a tipping point. We find ourselves wanting to retreat, seeking comfort in secluded spaces and feeling the desire to spend time with those we feel the most comfortable around. Memories resurface (possibly rooted in childhood and nurturance) and our imaginations run wild.
But the Grand Cross is putting a lot of pressure on that desire for safety and the urge to hide from all that threatens our sensitivities. We're called to balance the Capricorn Sun's "all work/no play" tendencies and emotional austerity at this time, to be sure, but we've got JUPITER and URANUS calling us to radical new action in ways that will feel anything but comfortable. The Jupiter-Uranus Opposition is calling us to break free from relationship limitations and adopt more realistic perceptions in this part of life over the next year, beckoning us to leap beyond our comfort zone so we can experience a new level of fulfillment in the one-on-one. This also applies to negotiations of any kind, as well as endeavors in the arts or other intellectual pursuits.
Another factor adding is the Goddess asteroid ERIS, who's been joined up with URANUS in ARIES since 2015. Eris is associated with discord, societal moves forward, and feminine issues. She's stirring the pot at this full moon something fierce--look no further than the current political atmosphere, or than intense issues coming to a head in your own life, to see her potent influence at work. Meryl Streep's speech from the Golden Globes this week is a shining example--a woman unapologetically taking to task those who would use positions of power to denegrate others. This is a disruptive, take-no-bull asteroid that won't be playing nice anytime soon (and rightfully so!).
As Jupiter and Uranus/Eris square the ultra-sensitive Cancer Moon, we'll be experiencing restlessness and exaggerated emotions. Reaching out to other(s) and doing something totally radical--"radical" relative to our norms--for the sake of harmony, and perhaps of moving toward our goals, will bring challenges that could pay major dividends down the road. For many, these moves could be related to romantic relationships, but the exact themes we experience now depends on the location of these planets in the personal birth chart. Bridging gaps in understanding, but not tolerating abuse or boundary crashing, is something we all have the chance to move toward in potentially life-changing ways.
Key Questions for Contemplation
- Do you honor your feelings, taking time out to feel that which is working its way to the surface within you? Are you willing to sit with these emotions, no matter how uncomfortable, to let the flow of tears aid in your release and healing?
- Are you willing to let your imagine wander, perhaps using creative self-expression guide you in understanding current challenges more fully?
- Do you honor and acknowledge your Inner Child? Do you give this sacred part of your being the opportunity to express itself, holding it in all its love, vulnerabilities, and past woundings? Are you willing to gently nurture him/her, seeking external guidance for assistance with healing past wounds if needed?
- Are you avoiding addressing an important situation, running from situations in a way that might not serve you in the end (avoidance patterns)? Can you commit to loving yourself enough to take action that brings about an even better outcome long-term?
- Do you feel the call to stretch your emotional capacity--while remembering to honor personal boundaries and give only from a full cup--that will grow your soul? Will you heed the call of radical forgiveness and space-holding for others as required, embodying a willingness to set healthy boundaries while resolving situations appropriately?
- Can you find it within you to say "no" to relationship ties or other commitments that strain you and drain your vitality? Are you willing to break free from bonds that hold you back?
- Are you willing to connect to the energies of the Divine Feminine at this time, allowing Goddess wisdom to guide you as you explore your rich inner world?
- How can you create a sanctuary space to retreat from the world and emotionally recharge?
Regardless of current challenges and responsibilities, we can honor our Whole Selves this week by making time to connect with our Inner Sanctuary. Spend some extra time cozied up at home, doing whatever makes you feel soothed and nurtured: comfort foods, pajamas, warm blankets, etc. Cuddle up, and wear your heart on your sleeve when it matters most--the Cosmos has your back.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2017. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.