(DISCLAIMER: Sun/Rising Sign horoscopes are intended for broad predictive purposes only. For a much more accurate, in-depth look at how the planetary cycles are impacting you now, contact me to book a reading!)
You’re in the spotlight through the 19th, Aries, with this being a great time to chart a new course thanks to the New Moon in your sign on the 7th. The catch? You’ll need to blend your tenacity with as much patience as you can muster - not always so easy for you! Mars goes retrograde mid-month, bringing down collective energy levels in favor of introspection before action. This is big news for everybody, but you’ll be feeling it a whole lot more than some. Mars is your ruling planet, the planet that channels so much bravery, strength, and impetus for ACTION through the core of your being. What happens to Aries when we’re under the influence of Mars Rx? The Ram loses some of its “get up and go”; the fires of your will to act dim a little; your motivation mojo hits a snag. But as is true for each planet’s retrograde cycle, this is a chance to re-evaluate your plans and manner of tackling goals in a big way.
Mars is retrograde from April 17th - June 29th. Though frustrations and delays could ensue as you rework the way you go about pursuing your desires, this is an important time for learning lessons of patience and forethought. You’ll do well to let impulsive tendencies simmer a while so you can absorb what the Universe has to teach you in these moments of simply *being*. Let setbacks motivate you to take more informed and confident action when Mars goes direct.
You might experience struggles with authority figures and your ever-evolving public persona April 4th - 9th. As Uranus and Pluto slowly move out of their ongoing square, your sense of self continues to evolve in lightning-quick jolts as challenges crack the foundations of life as you've known it. Rest assured that it’s all for the purpose of helping you redefine your life on your own terms.
As for the juicy news, Venus exudes her charm through you in particularly powerful ways from April 5th - 29th. It’s a stellar time to update your personal style via wardrobe or other aesthetic changes. Get in touch with your desires and boldly work your romance magic while you have the Golden Touch! Passions could run high when Venus and Mars connect on the 12th, perhaps linking you up with someone outside of your normal circle (encounters with foreigners aren’t at all out of the question!). Expect an amped-up desire to travel or dive into subjects of the higher mind at this time, but be aware that as Mars slows down in lieu of its Station Rx on April 17th, developments in these parts of your life could come to an abrupt (if only temporary) halt…and things could get heavier from there. Venus squares Pluto on the 19th a day after Pluto's Station Rx - a shift that could have secrets coming to light, or issues emerging related to love and money that must be addressed. Use these chances to reconsider if you really want the things calling to you from beyond the fence, to feel deeply into whether certain others can be trusted or not.
MERCURY RX ALERT: Mercury goes retrograde on April 28th in your 2nd House of Money & Personal Resources, putting the focus squarely on a review of physical/inner resources you possess and your use and management of them. You have a chance to review your means of making money and spending/saving habits, which can ultimately help you solidify your cache through smart choices and diligent focus. Double-check figures and hold off on making key choices here until Mercury goes direct on May 22.
The Aries New Moon on the 7th is a powerful new beginning point for you. Think about the challenges you’ve faced since the March eclipses and where you want to go from here. This is your time to kick off another yearly cycle of trailblazing, risk-taking, and digging even deeper into your own courage. It’s an especially impactful time to contemplate your desires and explore what might be necessary to see them fulfilled. It can be as simple as making a list of the things you’d like to manifest, or making up your mind about what you want…then doing everything you can to bring them to fruition.
The Scorpio Full Moon on the 22nd brings issues of sex and intimacy into focus, as well as taboo topics or deep-seated pain that lies below the surface of your awareness. This lunation is made more intense by Pluto’s Station Retrograde on the 18th, and can have you facing issues that emerge head-on. Entertain the possibility that letting something go - perhaps an unfulfilling entanglement with a lover or friend - can clear the way for something better. Face the skeletons in your psychological closet and dive deeply into the heart of the matter, laying bare the illusions that hold you captive. It’s high time to give your psyche a thorough cleaning and move on.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2016. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.
Your focus continues to be on expansion of your worldview as the Sun remains in your 9th House of Travel & Higher Learning through April 19th. You’re set to get a boost in your desire to explore and seek higher truth when Venus slips into Aries on the 5th. You might find friends or a new lover captivating your imagination and guiding you to exotic places within and without. If you get the whim to take up a new course of study, do it…but get all the facts first and be prepared for some twists and turns. The Sun meets Uranus here as it clashes with Pluto from the 4th - 9th, bringing some jolts in perspective and intensifying your desire to break free from all that stands between you and uncharted territory. The dynamic shifts when the Sun enters your 10th House of Career and Reputation on April 19th, calling you to focus your efforts on methodical, consistent efforts there.
You’ve got a chance to internalize how deep issues that emerge in your daily routines or health impact your freedom to roam where and how inspiration guides you. Remember that you’re in it for the growth that leads to much more joy, and this sort of expansion rarely happens without some growing pains. If you’ve been romantically involved at work or have issues with a coworker, you could experience revelations that bring things to a head abruptly. This could also bring opportunities to clear the air with money or relationship issues related to travel. Allow events to unfold, letting them bring you deeper into your true knowing for resolution.
A major shift for everyone this month the Mars Retrograde from April 17th - June 29th. This will have us all feeling as though we’ve hit a wall or run out of steam. For you, this change of pace is happening in your 5th House of Romance & Children. You might find that things stall romantically, creative projects hit a snag, or issues with children come front and center. This can feel like everything has run out of steam, but it’s ultimately a chance to slow down and think about what you really want in life and love. It’s also a powerful chance to ponder if what you’ve been seeking beyond your everyday sphere really is what you want, and if so, using this time for contemplation can help you formulate a better plan to get it when Mars goes direct in June.
MERCURY RX ALERT: Mercury goes retrograde on April 28th in your 10th House of Career & Public Image. Confusion in communication with bosses could create misunderstandings, so pay extra attention to details in written or verbal correspondence. You could also find yourself rethinking your role in the world, and whether or not your current job aligns with your deeper sense of purpose. Hold off on signing important agreements if possible until Mercury goes direct on May 22nd.
The Aries New Moon on April 7th is a potent chance for you to see what’s no longer lining up between your daily grind and the desire to break new ground (or just break away, period!). Somewhere in your heart is a desire for far more freedom than you’re experiencing now. This lunation can act as a catalyst for you to deal with what’s coming undone you so you can get on with the business of indulging your soul-quenching sense of wanderlust. Can you find a way to marry your desire for freedom and the shedding of old routines? Are physical issues holding you back from drinking in all the goodness this world has to offer? Let the fears/doubts/truths that emerge guide you through these depths with courage. Keep your eye on your goals and trust the process that’s unfolding.
Issues with family might loom large and reach a crescendo around the 22nd with the Scorpio Full Moon happening in your 4th House of Home and Private Life. Tensions could run quite high here in a way that opens the floodgates for dramatic discussion about intense issues with your clan. Psychological and emotional triggers can point to the buried issues that are coming forward to be dealt with in potentially explosive ways. Remember that no matter what comes up now, whether it’s related to interactions with a partner/other family or buried fears, that this is an opportunity to heal and shift the energy. Feel the feelings without judgment and take next steps to release what holds you back with radical honesty. If you do, you’re in an incredible position to let even more of your inner light shine.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2016. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.
It’s been a trying time for you and your optimistic nature with Saturn making its way through your sign until late 2017. This hardcore planetary influence is bringing major lessons in swapping any “act now, think later” tendencies for a new kind of maturity and planning. You might have experienced an especially difficult period around March 25th when Saturn stationed retrograde, pulling you back to restructure key elements of your life. Still feeling pinched? Don’t let it bog you down at the expense of moving forward, even if progress does come in small steps. It’s all for the sake of helping you make your high-minded aspirations come alive in profoundly solid ways as this cycle unfolds.
It’s a great time to take action on a project from April 4th - 6th as the Sun trines Saturn and squares Pluto. This will call you dig deeply without going overboard, as Pluto can bring out our obsessive tendencies. Venus enters Aries on April 5th, bringing impassioned energy into your 5th House of Romance & Creativity. The Goddess of Love could bring in new romantic possibilities here, especially when Venus trines Mars on April 12th. Be aware that as Mars slows down and Pluto stations retrograde on the 18th, things could become much heavier and more complex in this arena.
You’ve got another curveball coming your way in April: Mars stations retrograde in your sign on April 17th, bringing a downward shift in energy for you especially. This is yet another recalibration moment in the saga of your personal development. We’ve all been feeling the inspiration to press on into uncharted territory with gusto lately, but Mars Rx is about to put on the brakes in a big way. You could experience a (temporary!) halt in motivation or experience roadblocks when it comes to plans you’ve set in motion. This is a time to turn your attention inward, to explore your inner motivations and the ways in which you go about getting what you want through late June.
As daunting as all of this might sound, there really are some very bright spots for you in April! You’ll get a boost when a fantastic Grand Earth Trine peaks on April 14th. The first occurrence in a series of three that wraps up June 2nd, this harmoniously links up your Money/Vocation/Career & Reputation zones. While it’s true that Pluto’s Station Rx on the 18th might bring a healing crisis related to money or self-esteem, this trine is proof that any difficulties are blessings in disguise. Expect opportunities to link with others and improve your skills that ripple out into career and your bank account.
MERCURY RX: Mercury goes retrograde on April 28th in your 6th House of Routines/Health & Wellness. If things get thrown off in your daily structure, know that this Rx is calling you to examine how you can ground in routines that serve your best interests for a more peaceful, productive life. It's also your job to slow down and listen to what your body is telling you. Flow with any health setbacks, knowing that things can begin to turn around when Mercury goes direct on May 22nd.
The Aries New Moon on the 7th can kick off a potent new beginning in your 5th House where romance, kids, or creative projects are concerned. The trick will be to harness the dramatic Uranus-Pluto square energies and make haste without being *too* impulsive. Taking foolish risks at this time would be very unwise, but listen to your intuition to receive right guidance. One thing ends and another begins, maybe abruptly, to clear the way for what’s going to benefit you the most. If you’re happily coupled, this could bring changes in the way you and your partner understand each other and approach romance and pleasure. Either way, you’ll have the drive to get out there and create something bold, so dig in and aim high!
Be open to messages that emerge from your unconscious mind and be willing to follow where the mystery leads you at the Scorpio Full Moon on the 22nd. There’s something tucked away from sight that could make itself known to you, perhaps a secret someone’s been keeping or another piece of key information. This lunation will have you doing some deep examination of that which stirs under the surface of your awareness, helping you release old psychological material in lieu of another new beginning. You may be drawn to explore all things metaphysical or paranormal, perhaps a spiritual tradition or concept that draws you deeply within yourself. What you find on your inner sojourn may be a bit unnerving due to the power it carries, and could involve a dramatic revelation with a friend or partner. Stay open and follow the synchronistic clues you get, no matter how subtle they may be.
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2016. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this writer with appropriate and specific direction to the document containing the original content.
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Horoscopes are fun and informative, but they can’t even begin to scratch the surface of your unique potentials and the unfoldment of your life’s journey over time. When taking an astrological approach, these potentials can only be accurately discovered using the birth chart - a map of the cosmos at the exact moment of your birth - with the guidance of a trained astrologer.
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