The Summer Solstice is a powerful time for connecting deeply with nature to celebrate the joys of Heaven manifested in the physical form. The veil between the worlds is thinner now, and we can transcend the physical self in knowing that when we honor Earth and all life here, we honor the Divine Life Force that resides in us all.
Summer Solstice 2015: Sun Inconjunct Saturn
Though the Summer Solstice is the perfect time to feel joy and gratitude in our hearts for the blessings of abundance our lives, this year's solstice brings a certain degree of tension. The sweet Cancer sun forms an inconjunct to Saturn, the taskmaster planet that slipped back into Scorpio last Sunday. Saturn in Scorpio from 2012 - late 2014 brought challenging lessons in the areas of intimacy, shared and personal resources, and relationship boundaries. It also dredged up buried fears, insecurities, and shadow elements within ourselves - especially fears and neuroticism relating to money and relationships. We're all up for one last review of these issues until mid-September when Saturn treks forward into Sagittarius.
With the Solstice Sun inconjunct Saturn, we might feel an air of seriousness at the gateway to a new season. This aspect is all about adjustments and change, and the possibility these changes hold for bringing about more abundance in our lives; the trick to reaping those rewards is that we must choose to rise to the occasion.
Where do we feel we need to exercise more of our capacity for taking on responsibility or leadership roles? Where in our lives do we need to strengthen our personal boundaries, or to let our guard down and allow fears dissolve so we can let beautiful things in? How can we strengthen our financial resources base individually or in situations involving shared resources? What work must be done in order for us to live the dreams of fullness that dance in our hearts - dreams that lie dormant while waiting for our inner and outer circumstances to align?
This aspect also implies that we may need to bring about endings - or step into gutsy new beginnings - in order to make headway. If we dig deeply and commit to inner growth and outer change, the abundance brought forward by the Summer Solstice can be ours.
Jupiter Trine Uranus: Miracles, Fun, And Good, Good Luck
Benevolent Jupiter and lightning-fast Uranus form an exact trine this week. This will imbue the Solstice with a "good news out of thin air" energy and a powerful feel-good aspect that's sure to offset the more serious Sun-Saturn vibe. This combination can bring unexpected windfalls or genius new ideas that seemingly fall into our laps, especially since these planets are currently in fire signs. We just might find ourselves getting that extra helping hand, that big or little miracle, when we need it most. This is a wonderful energy for celebrations, so make the most of it at its peak!
Also worth noting is a final square between Mercury and Neptune, a pairing that points us in the direction of using intuition to find clarity from the Solstice through June 24. A mini-Mercury retrograde environment may ensue that brings issues that cropped up in May to a close, but it's a perfect time to check out of linear thoughts and "go with the flow". This is a good chance to explore the more subjective, imaginative realms of consciousness. Dancing, dreaming, and meditating are just a few of the possible gateways to receiving inner guidance under this influence.
*~May you find peace, joy, and comfort at this magical time of year; may you know that you are always held in the heart of the Divine; and may you know the love, beauty, and capacity for manifesting miracles that resides within you now and always!~*
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2015. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this site and writer with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.