But the Universe is set to send us beautiful Solstice blessings from above! A positively magical trine between Jupiter and Uranus can lead to incredible events this week if we act on opportunities that fall into our laps. Work with the totality of these energies and you're on your way to obtaining the abundance of the Solstice in the coming months.
The Solstice Sun and Saturn are putting your current focus on career and financial issues. Saturn has regressed into your 2nd House of Money, calling your attention back to challenging issues that may have been up for you in this area from 2012 - late 2014. The Cancer Sun's entry into your 10th House of Career creates dynamic tension here, highlighting a need for a an adjustment in circumstances. Are you ready to move into greater financial abundance? Will a change of career - perhaps a daunting one, but one in which you are up to the challenge of - provide you with more physical security? Are issues of self-confidence and valuation blocking you from moving forward with necessary career changes? Saturn is providing you with a potent review period here from now until mid-September, giving you a chance to get serious about strengthening your general resources base. When you rise to the occasion, you'll be poised to reap solid rewards that directly impact your public image and self-confidence while ensuring long-term security.
The current Jupiter-Uranus trine is set to work some serious magic for you in relationships, your larger circle of friends, and your ability to achieve long-term goals. As Uranus continues its work of liberating you in your 7th House of Relationship and Jupiter prepares to open the gates wide to abundance in your 11th House of Community and Future Goals, you might find that you have an opportunity to enter into radical new partnerships that can bring forward networking opportunities. You might also find that a new relationship or financial windfall flows in by way of connecting with those of like-mind in your community or chosen profession.
This year's solstice may strike a particularly familiar yet challenging chord for you. With Saturn having backtracked into your 1st House of Identity - where it brought great challenges in solidifying your persona and sense of authority from 2012 - late 2014 - it's time to revisit those lessons to master them once and for all. You may feel limited in your ability to initiate action from now until mid-September, but a connection from the Cancer Sun in your 9th House of Travel and Higher Learning suggests that you can enjoy greater freedom in life as you move through challenges here. Are you finding yourself taking on extra responsibilities, perhaps those connected to higher education? Do you feel impelled to put in serious effort to achieve goals so you can embrace new possibilities, explore the world, or experience more liberation in life? The Solstice Sun-Saturn connection reveals that the way to freedom - and the promise of abundance that the Summer Solstice holds for you - is through hard work and conscientious evaluation of your life path.
If your current aspirations center on vocation and career endeavors, this week's Jupiter-Uranus trine is poised to open the gates wide to plenty of synchronicity for you here. With Jupiter in your 10th House of Career in a powerful trine to Uranus in your 6th House of Vocation and Self-Improvement, you just might experience a miracle or two that takes you to the next level in your profession. Opportunities for increased financial abundance or pivotal career connections may flow in as Venus approaches benevolent Jupiter, and By working hard and staying the course, you can recognize and harness new opportunities as they arise.
With the planetary task-master Saturn having been in your 1st House of Identity from late December 2014 through June 14, you've been challenged to restructure your self-concept and step into a greater sense of your own authority. For now, Saturn has slipped back into deep waters in your 12th House of Spirituality. What does that mean for you at the Summer Solstice? For one thing, it means that you are now in a position to revisit issues related to limiting past perceptions or blockages in the area of sex and intimacy. As the Cancer Sun moves into your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, it forms a tense link to Saturn indicating a need for adjustment - adjustment that calls you to allow fears to dissolve that keep you from diving into those sacred waters on a deeper level. Physical love can be a spiritual experience, and the only way to fully commune with the body, mind, and soul of another is to allow restrictive walls to crumble. This connection also indicates that it may be time for a change in finances, especially in financial arrangements involving others' money that must come to an end. Are you willing to go deeply within yourself to heal that which prevents you from obtaining greater financial independence? Are you willing to commit to a plan for creating a more solid savings account? To paying off debts? These issues will be highlighted for you until mid-September, when Saturn moves back into your 1st House...do the work you feel impelled to do now, and you'll be much better-prepared to face Saturn's upcoming challenges in your life.
This week's Jupiter-Uranus trine is opening the door for near-magical abundance for you in your 9th House of Travel and Higher Truths and your 6th House of Vocation and Self-Improvement. Opportunities for greater freedom and a broadening of your worldview may come via new opportunities at work, or you might be presented with opportunities to expand your skills base through contact with those outside your everyday circle. Long-distance travel or contact with foreigners could lead to new job opportunities, or vice versa. It's also possible that these experiences could lead to unexpected financial gifts or meeting new friends or potential relationship partners with Venus on her way to join with Jupiter.
*~Want to get an even more personalized look at the magic the Solstice has in store for you? I offer one-on-one astrology consultations to help you make the most of your innate potential and guide you in navigating challenges along the way! Email [email protected] to schedule, or for more information.~*
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2015. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this site and writer with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.