But the Universe is set to send us beautiful Solstice blessings from above! A positively magical trine between Jupiter and Uranus can lead to incredible events this week if we act on opportunities that fall into our laps. Work with the totality of these energies and you're on your way to obtaining the abundance of the Solstice in the coming months.
Issues related to your long-term goals and group involvements - and how to balance those efforts with time devoted to close friends and partners - are in focus for you at the Solstice. Saturn has moved back into your 11th House of Community and Future Goals, where it brought potentially difficult lessons and complex issues forward for you from 2012 - late 2014. As it brings your focus back to any issues here that are up for final review through mid-September, there is a need to take stock of how to balance time spent with a partner and those group involvements as the Sun moves into your 7th House of Relationship. This also spells out a potential need to integrate a relationship partner into your long-term roadmap. As driven as you are at your core, this influence could serve as a reminder that those close connections are just as important as achieving lofty goals. It could also help you learn discernment in how to choose friends and allies carefully, as this aspect could manifest in you meeting those who wish to connect with you only for personal gain. Give yourself and loved ones the gift of your time and presence while following through on career/community responsibilities for the greatest fulfillment in moving forward.
And speaking of relationships, your connections with an intimate partner or family member - as well as finances - are set to receive a powerful boost of cosmic energy! With Jupiter in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources trining Uranus in your 4th House of Home, you're aligned with near-magical synchronicity that can bring in a renewed sense of optimism and possibilities here. As Uranus breaks up old structures in your physical home, it just might be time to welcome the right relationship partner in. This aspect could also bring unexpected financial gain by way of a family member, be it through conscious gift-giving or inheritance.
You might be experiencing an upset in daily routines as a result of career pressures now. Saturn has back-tracked into your 10th House of Career, where it brought the possibility for deep structural changes from 2012 - late 2014. You might have experienced difficult relations with authority figures, or found yourself in a position to take on a great deal of responsibility during that time. These issues are up for one last review for you through mid-September so you can master them once and for all. You might be experiencing a reactivation of those energies today at the Solstice as the Sun forms a difficult aspect to Saturn from your 6th House of Vocation and Self-Improvement. Are your current career duties putting a strain on your well-being? If so, can you adjust your work habits or other routines to bring about more harmony? Do you need to adjust your current routines and habits to rise to the occasion of work challenges? Striving to find the most effective balance here will help you achieve your goals while cultivating more balance in everyday life.
With Jupiter in your 7th House of Relationship trining Uranus in your 3rd House of Communications, celestial magic might drop abundance or new friendship connections directly onto your path by way of your immediate social circle. You could find yourself forming partnerships or alliances that lead to opportunities to learn new concepts or teach others what you know. Sibling connections could also serendipitously link you to new friends this week. Either way, you're due for a significant shake-up in perspectives and your own style of communication, and new and old friends alike could be your link to big epiphanies.
With Saturn moving back into your 9th House of Travel and Higher Truths and the Solstice Sun in Cancer in your 5th House of Romance and Creativity, you might feel a bittersweet tug between a desire to play or spend time with children versus a need to focus on furthering your education in some way. With Saturn in your 9th House from 2012 - late 2014, you might have entered into a serious program of study then, or found yourself feeling restricted by way of limiting moral or religious influences. One blessing of this particular transit is the opportunity for putting a solid belief system under your feet...sometimes by way of experiencing limitations that bring you into new ways of seeing the world first. A simpler possibility is that your desire to travel and explore the world is on hold due to some re-emerging issues. You'll have from now through mid-September to revisit these issues as a final wrap-up. With the Solstice Sun forming a challenging link to Saturn, it's time to consider how you can cultivate balance in these areas. Study, but make room for fun; explore as you're able and use what you find to lead to greater self-expression.
With this week's magnificent Jupiter-Uranus trine lighting up your 2nd House of Money and 6th House of Vocation and Self-Improvement, big changes at work could lead to a boost in finances. On a less tangible level, you could find yourself in a position to make changes in your daily routine that lead to an increase in resources. Since the 6th House is also related to health, you might discover new resources that can lead to health breakthroughs. With Venus on her way to meet with Jupiter, you could be connected with new friends or potential relationship partners in these areas.
*~Want to get an even more personalized look at the magic the Solstice has in store for you? I offer one-on-one astrology consultations to help you make the most of your innate potential and guide you in navigating challenges along the way! Email [email protected] to schedule, or for more information.~*
© Jen Howell, Bright Star Astrology & Healing Arts, 2015. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to this site and writer with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.