Lunar Beltaine Cacao Ceremony
Join us at the Joy Center in Ishpeming for an outdoor, safely distanced cacao ceremony to celebrate Earth Day, the beautiful blossoming of spring in the Northwoods, and Lunar Beltaine approaching!
Cost is $25/person, with online registration deadline of Wednesday, April 21.
Though we will be outdoor and safely distanced, masks are required to enter the Joy Center, and optional but encouraged when outside in circle. Thank you for choosing loving action that allows us to gather once again as we move through ever-changing times!
Those who join in this ceremony will:
- Be guided in understanding the significance of Beltaine and Lunar Beltaine, and how this year's astrology makes it an especially powerful transformational time of year
- Drink home-brewed cacao (fully masked brewing while in sanitized kitchen) that's gluten and dairy-free, keto-friendly, with ethically-sourced cacao from South/Central America and Africa
- Experience a guided shamanic hand drumming meditation
- A guided, channeled meditation for setting intentions and/or group oracle card reading
Beltaine and Lunar Beltaine
- Beltaine is a most powerfully liminal time of year – a time when the boundaries between our world and others such as the Devic and Faerie realms – are most noticeably blurred on the waxing side of the year. The magic of blossoming is all around as the Wheel of the Year turns to summer’s true point of beginnings, and the promise of warmth and new life blossoms!
- Lunar Beltaine is the celebration of Beltaine in conjunction with the annual Scorpio Full Moon (happening 4/26/21) – the witnessing and acknowledgement of the Sun and Moon’s perpetual dance that breathes life into our Earthly cycles, the turning of the seasons, part of the Great Mystery that brings beginnings, manifestations, and endings. As we more consciously attune our awareness to these cycles, we align with the rhythms of life itself, more able to flow, heal, manifest, and find joy and meaning in everyday moments.
What to Expect
Ceremonialist, astrological intuitive, healer, and musician Jennifer Elen Brid creates a sacred space within which powerful Beltaine magic can unfold. You'll learn about the astrological significance of this year's Lunar Beltaine (if it's cold, she'll keep it sweet and shortest!) and why this year's Beltaine especially has such a powerful potential to bring empowerment, sensuality, communion with all of Creation, and more joy and Oneness into our lives.
We commune with cacao in ceremony as shamanic drumming creates a space within which you can experience rejuvenation, heightened states of consciousness and creativity, a deeper, bolder embodiment of your heart truths - in short, a greater, more complete communion with Self and Other to live our truest essence more fully.
A guided channeled meditation and/or group card reading rounds out the r We'll weave some seriously playful, delicious magic this Lunar Beltaine - a time of year associated with fertility, passion, and celebration of the sensual pleasures in life - with ceremonial cacao. Rich drinking chocolate with cacao that's ethically-sourced from locations in South and Central America and Africa, and brings a pleasurable and fully lucid "blissy buzz," it's chocolate in its purest, most unadulterated state. The superfood profile of cacao is nothing short of miraculous, with it having the highest antioxidant count of any food on the planet. It's a fully lucid adaptogenic plant medicine that's a natural aphrodisiac, dairy/gluten-free and keto-friendly that has been traded in place of gold and revered as a heart medicine. Cacao is a miraculous substance that opens us to our deepest truths, genuine heartfelt expression, creativity, and full presence to savor, enjoy, and navigate moments unfolding.
Jennifer's cacao is brewed with the deepest of ceremonial and healing intentions, masked and in a fully sanitized kitchen. It's made with spring or other purified water, local maple syrup and coconut sugar, and lightly spiced with cayenne, cinnamon, and cardamom for a rich superfood treat!
Those who are pregnant, have heart conditions or high blood pressure, are pregnant or nursing, on antidepressants, or on a deep physical detox can usually drink cacao in smaller amounts. Please contact Jennifer with questions.
The Benefits of Ceremonial Cacao
Ceremonial/medicinal cacao has incredible health benefits because of its superfood properties - highly oxygenating, synergizing, a fully lucid plant medicine that brings a "blissy buzz" and gentle energetic boost plus deeper relaxation upon drinking it.
Some of the benefits of ceremonial cacao include:
· Feelings of bliss, joy, love, and a greater sense of connectedness to those around you
· Being able to discern true desires from those not aligned with your Highest Good
· Courage and clarity in communicating truth to others
· Experiencing moments of clarity in confusing or difficult situations
· An upswing in creative inspiration and output
· Increased energy levels (most notable for the first 4–6 hours after drinking) due to theobromine and caffeine content
· Deeper sleep; may facilitate lucid dreaming
· Relief from depression and anxiety; a returning to a more natural state of harmony, happiness, and well-being due to containing MAOI inhibitors (natural antidepressant), along with other powerful neuro modulators
· 30–40% increase in oxygen levels in the blood
· Antioxidant boost (cacao is the highest antioxidant superfood on the planet!)
· The creation of new neural pathways in the brain
· Natural aphrodisiac properties
What to Bring
- Water (cacao is naturally dehydrating)
- Sacred objects you wish to have on hand, creating a special altar space if you wish
- A journal and something to write with (optional)
- Dress in layers, since UP weather can be unpredictable (we'll be inside, masked and distanced, as an inclement weather backup plan)
Register by Wednesday, APRIL 21 to reserve your spot!
Refunds are not available for this event except in the event of emergencies. Thank you for your understanding.
Please contact Jennifer with questions at [email protected]
Many blessings, Dear Hearts - I am so looking forward to sharing this sacred circle time and space with each of you.
With deepest Love and Gratitude,
Jennifer Elen Brid
Wayshower, Healer, Intuitive, Ceremonialist, Celebrant, Astrological Intuitive, Soundweaver
(906) 399-6326